letter eight

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dear nishimura riki,

later that day, i was supposed to be happy celebrating my friend's birthday in the canteen and she brought us each slice of a cake before asking us to sing her a song.

as my other friends were singing her a happy birthday, in the middle of it all, i stopped as i spotted you inviting her in your table.

i watched as she agreed and every friend of hers is teasingly nudging her in your way. i watched how she sat beside you and the smile in your face was massive. i watched how your friends glanced at each other in approval of her.

and that moment, i realized, she must be special for you because you never let any girl in the before her and you're never one to really have a crush like the other boys wanting girls left and right.

as my friends ended up the happy tune, i excuse myself and only when i'm already in the safety inside a cubicle in the restroom, did let myself cry.

it sounds pathetic but that's the only way i could lessen the growing pains.

all because of you falling for another.

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now