letter twelve

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dear nishimura riki,

on my last period, i excused myself to go into the classroom and i wish i didn't.

i didn't think my already broken pieces could be more broken and now it all just a turn into dust, like it could not be mended anymore.

i can hear you practically chuckling to yourself as she hugged you and as she kissed you innocently in the cheeks at the end of the hallway.

she must be really important to you. more important than i thought you skipped your dance classes in exchange of spending more time with her.

i return to class then - so unlike of you - but no words of the teacher entered on my mind and all it had was the image of you being with her.

by the time i came home today is to go to my mom and hug her. she asked me what's wrong.

i never told her but i still ended up crying and asked, was love support to hurt like this?

she responded with, "it hurts because it's real"

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Where stories live. Discover now