letter thirty two

539 45 4

dear nishimura riki,

but like they said, no secrets will stay hidden forever.

someone else had caught them and had shown the picture to you as an evidence.

and it broke me to see you crying. it broke us to see you asking her to say it was all just an act, a misunderstanding but she never did say anything.

what was more hurtful about it was to see it happen in the hall for everyone to see.

they had to see you hang your head low as she walked away, looking the least bit guilty at what she'd done.

all that was left was for eiji and i to come over you. as your cousin comforted you with a manly hug and pleading eyes, i found myself at your side for the first time then.

all because of eiji, that is.

am i supposed to be happy?

this had been my wish back then, back then when the only thing i could do was to stare at you. is that how was i supposed to feel?

i don't know. i feel hurt and sad and too confused.

i do not know for certain. i do not know anymore.

that's all i want, right? i just want to see you happy

your secret admirer,
y/n l/n

Dear Nishimura Riki ⚊ Letter Series # 6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora