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My eyes blink awake first and my mind follows shortly by. The balcony doors are wide open letting the warm breeze push the white curtains around.

I smile rolling onto the other side but to my great disappointment Nicholas isn't there, great.

The sadness however seems to have dried out as the doors open and he walks in with a tray in his hands smiling when he see's me awake.

"There you are"

"Where else would I be?" he smiles. God his smile.

"Well clearly not in bed"

"I think this will forgive my absence" he places a wooden tray onto my laps kissing my forehead. I close my eyes smiling at his soft kiss "good morning" he softly whispers.

"Good morning, did you make this?" I glance up at him as he starts getting dressed.


I shake my head grinning at him, my hair falls in front of my face making me put down the croissant back into it's plate. Grabbing the hair band of the beds side table I tie it up into a fast bun not bothering to adjust a single thing about it.

What I realized about Nicholas's food is that it's one of those things where it comes out perfect once in your lifetime. You can spend the rest of your years trying to get it to taste like that one specific time but it never works, no matter how hard you try, but his food, his food always taste like that once in a lifetime perfection "like heaven"

"You feel like going out with me today?"

"Is that even a question, of course where are we heading to?"

"Get dressed and you'll find out"

"Always with the surprises huh" I finish my coffee and jump out of bed to get ready, I decide to go for a brighter look today. I don't know what it is but he's made everything around me feel less tiring. Normally I would be internally screaming for having wake up and go through the same shit all over again but now that I wake up with him it's different. I want to wake up, I want to go places with him, I want to hear each and every thought that wonders in that mind of his. I want to hear his voice over anyone else's on this planet. I don't know if that's normal but then again I have never felt like this before so it's a weird feeling for sure.

"This one or..." I pick up the blue one putting it closer to my body "this one?"

"White" he replies staring at me as I get dressed in front of him. He's laying on the messy bed with his legs spread to his side enjoying every bit of this moment without shame. He's a bit of a whore. I slip into the white sun dress putting on some shoes and finish by just brushing my hair out.


"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" I smile sheepishly taking his hand in mine as we walk out to the lobby where Max is sitting down waiting for us I'm guessing.

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