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"MIA" I jolt awake at the sound of Nicholas's voice and my eyes flutter open finding Nicholas shoot a big sigh of relief "thank God, take this come on" I take the gun he hands me but have to quickly catch it when it slips from my grasp. I look down finding it covered completely with blood, it's a puddle more than it is a few drops and I can't help but worry.

I was about to ask what had happened but when the bullets start flying it kinda answered more than a few of my main questions "where's Max?" I push my gun of safety. He points to my side and I spin around finding more than just Max, Donte's with him hunched over a piece off the wall that had flung into the restaurant leaving a bomb of cement smoke to fill the space. The both of them begin shooting and just knowing they're both okay lets me focus back to more than just survival. Nick taps my shoulder and just when I was about to turn around something wet trails down my face. I go to touch it but a hand grabs mine pulling me away from myself "don't Mia, it's pretty deep"

"Great, are you okay?" I ask as his shirt and neck are covered in blood.

"It's not my blood love" he looks at me with such sadness and self anger it takes me a second to figure out why.

"This isn't your fault"

He only looks away as I say that so I grab hold of his face brining it towards me "it's not your fault Nicholas"

A bullet flies by in the middle of us missing our heads by inches. We both stand up at the same time firing at whoever the fuck just shot that and stop at the same time when his body slumps to the ground. Nicholas ducks down but before I follow a man stands tucked behind a flipped car that is now parked comfortably in the centre of the restaurant, lacing Max with nothing but bullets and I wouldn't be worried if it weren't for the fact he's out of ammo. I see a chance for me to get closer and I take it without thinking twice, I run across to a pillar that hasn't been touched yet and wait for him to shoot again so that I know his attention isn't on me, as he does I get up running towards him, my eyes trail over his open neck making my fingers tingle in anticipation. The sound of glass shuffling under my heels draws his attention to me but it's already too late. I grab him. Pulling his body into my knife. The slice is steady, slow in a sense where he feels every new angle I cut into.

The blood pours out everywhere, my chest, my hair, my dress. I snap back into focus, back to what's in front of me as 3 men with guns step forward. One of them chuckles, standing back up from his tactical standing point and gives his friends a light tap, the other two step back with their guns still on me as the cocky one pulls out a knife. I couldn't be more excited than I am now, his round blade inches closer, it's almost taunting having to wait for him to do something but once he does my adrenaline rockets.

He takes a big step forward, knife in one hand while the other waits above to block. I move to the side, grabbing his wrist before snapping it hard enough for his muscles to fall into shock dropping the knife along the way, his head lifts finding mine already set onto his as I plunge the sharp steel into his stomach. I pull it out adding another one to his chest and throat.

The other two roll their shoulders, raising their guns back onto me as they finish taking in their dead friend. Nicholas and Max come up from behind them shooting a single bullet to each of their heads. When Max turns around to provide us with a couple of seconds of a break, Nicholas strides closer pulling me into his hold. "Don't ever run off like that again" before I could explain myself I'm spun around facing away from him as he begins gathering my hair in a high ponytail. He spins me back around wiping something wet off my chin before kissing me "stay close, please"

"I will" I give him a small smile and follow along to where Max is crouched down, his body moving with every heavy bullet that is puts out. The whole restaurant is completely destroyed. Smoke of all sorts covers the whole room making it difficult to see anyone beyond your arms length but overall it just makes me heart breaks to see it like this, I know I have only been here once but it felt so safe, loving, Aldo doesn't deserve this. Whoever these fuckers are I'll find them.

Just as the rain of bullets begins to quiet the real show begins, it's as if they were just toying with us because the next round of fire has us all tucked onto the floor holding onto our heads in fear it'll fall off. The three of us look at one another, nodding in unison before standing back up to at least knock out a couple of them. My finger, I think to myself in the midst of the guns pointed at us, has seemed to have lost all and any power to squeeze, but at good reason.

It's him, in all the destruction he's standing there pointing his gun at me smiling. I know I should move or blink but none of me is working, I hear someone yell my name but it's like I'm underwater. The next thing I know Nicholas jumps in front of me shielding me from the bullets, My heart explodes once we hit the ground with a very unresponsive Nicholas.

"Nicholas" I say softly but no answer, I roll him off me, my hand instantly wet as a puddle. Tears stream down my face as I look down and see the one thing I didn't wasn't to see, blood.

He's shot, I apply pressure to the left of his chest and see an exit wound at the back.

"MAX" I scream, he turns around and all color drains from his face.

"No no no"

"Max please help"

"You're doing good just don't let go" he removes his jacket, pulling Nicholas onto his side "Fuck"

I look up at him and he has that look in his eyes telling me what I don't wanna hear.

"Don't you dare fucking say it Max do you hear me, don't you dare" tears stream down my face like it never has before.

Donte drops next to us out of nowhere, finally seeing what had happened but there's no shock on his face, there's nothing.

"Donte we need to get him out of here" I yell through the noise.

"No we need to leave!"

I go utterly cold "What?" I can't comprehend what he has just said.

"We need to go, leave him, let's go Max on me NOW"

"NO I'm not leaving him" I hold onto Nicholas even tighter than before.

"Mia let go we have to go he's dead"

"Donte if you leave, if you leave him here you're dead to me" I say while shaking my head, Max drops his gun taking a seat with me and Donte has the audacity to feel betrayed. He runs out the restaurant as bullets continue to fly.

I swallow an imaginary lump in my throat as I pick up Nicholas's head. My bloodied hands stain his tanned skin that is losing it's color making me cry even more "please don't die, please I need you, please" I sob until I can't feel anything in my body, even when I'm touching him its like there's nothing there.

"Mia" Max begins.


It all falls silent until our own crew pulls up lighting the rest of whoever is in here to an end.

If I lose him,

I'm dead.

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