Dart board

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When the knives are set into his hand Max turns from him, nodding to the men once and the rest of the party begins to be led out the room. It only takes a moment before it's all deathly empty, pieces of colourful confetti litter about but I would never have noticed any of them if it wasn't for this moment. Rhodey stays just like the two men positioned him too, weirdly enough he doesn't fight back or beg in any way, but then again dead men don't beg for life. Nicholas stands directly in front of him with just enough room to separate the both of them and the realisation hits me in the same moment he throws the first knife. He's using him as a human dart board, it lands directly in his face and his body fall limp, still, he's held up and Nicholas narrows his eyes. He's still alive, the movement in his back from he's deep breaths are strong enough for all of us to see.

Another is thrown landing in his face again but this time I move to the side, wanting to see what exactly he's doing. My lips slightly part as both of his eyes bleed freely with knifes lodged just deeply enough to hold place. I don't see the other be thrown which is why it catches me off guard, the sound of it imbedding itself into the same eye makes my stomach churn. Once again the knife isn't deep enough to kill him, the loss of blood however might be questionable as it covers his mouth and stomach, the floor below him starts to pool as seconds tick by but Nicholas isn't done, there's still one more.

"Max?" he speaks making me snap towards him, but he looks nowhere from Rhodey. Max nods stepping forwards finding my eyes before positioning himself to throw. Yet he waits, still watching me, something in me cares very little for the asshole below me which is why I nodded. The knife leaves his hold burying itself alongside the two Nicholas just threw, two for each eye. Only difference is his one killed him, the whole thing has lodges itself too far to be pulled out and it's for that reason the two men let go, letting him drop face first into the floor.

Nicholas walks towards me, cupping me softly in his hands "are you okay?" he ask, worry in his soft eyes.

When I nod he takes a breath in standing back up to his full height "You got this?" he asks without taking his eyes off me.

"Already covered" Max replies getting his men to begin picking Rhodey off the floor.

Nicholas nods before taking my hand in his, pulling me with him but his massive strides are no match for me, especially not with my stitches still healing. It's like he read my mind as he stops dead in his tracks making my hair fly back a little bit, his hand lets go off me lifting me into his arms without the slightest bit of effort.

I'm walking on a wire so thin air couldn't even balance on it and yet I don't seem to care.

The minute we enter the elevator I'm put down and slammed into the mirrored wall, I hear it crack as some pieces fall onto the floor but the contact was all from his hand smashing against it. His fingers slithers to my neck as it seems to be his favourite place, it's becoming mine too.

"Tell me why I shouldn't just leave you here tonight for Donte to come and find" he's completely pissed off and I should take him seriously but with the way he's looking at me, I can't.

"Because that's what you want least" I whisper.

"I don't know, the urge to get rid of you is pretty strong Amore" he inches closer to me gripping tighter along the way.

"Then do it" I smile "you'll never have to see me again and you'll finally be happy"

"You" he whispers onto my lips "are driving me fucking insane you know that"

"Well then, looks like you have a problem on your hands"

"I have you cornered and still that mouth of yours continues to move anyways huh" slowly I feel a cold object hit my thigh. It slowly starts to move higher and higher making me take deeper breaths, he smirks as he watches me struggle to ignore the feelings. The small click tells me exactly what that object is, but I don't care, he continues to drag the gun until he's right where he wants it to be.

I slam on the emergency stop accidently as I grip onto anything at this point.

"Finally lost your voice?" he rubs the cold metal against my clit, I let out a hard breath as all my senses are of him, touch, smell, sight, sound. It's all him, but then he stops, his hold on me drops and the gun is back at his waist as he hits off the emergency brake making the elevator start again. I crouch down to catch my breath but his hand wraps around my face pulling me to him.

"I respect you too much to simply fuck you in a elevator. Even though every single part of me is begging me to do exactly that" he traces his thumb over my lips taking in a breath of his own.

The elevator finally reaches his floor. As he steps out his body falters for a second and he turns around, his eyes hold so much intensity in them that I wish this elevator would swallow me whole "you're staying with me tonight and before you start yelling, you have the floor above me all to yourself. You won't have to see me"

I want to though.

But of course that never leaves my very sealed lips.

"Good" I reply, he nods walking away but not before stealing one last glance my way as he shuts the door behind him. I manage to press the twenty-sixth floor, just above his but I don't know how because the shock is glued on tight.

Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

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