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As I peak over the corner of a store, I spot the gym immediately. Everything looks fine, nothing destroyed or moved, not good.

Normally there would be a window missing or glass bottles shattered from all the drunks that pass by, this isn't exactly a 'come and enjoy your time' kinda neighborhood. Whoever is here clearly doesn't know this place as well as they should, and I swear if a strand of hair is missing on Donte's head, they'll be wishing I simply killed them.

I go around the back to our apartment and climb up the fire escape to find the window already open, carefully stepping inside I freeze for split second listening for breathing or a single sound but nothing, not a drop. I search all four rooms, mine emptied to the bone, Donte's empty too, no bed, no clothes, no personal items, all gone.

The toilet-

I walk in fast and it's emptier than ever but if Donte is alive I'll know in just a second. I grab the small ladder, boosting myself up and feel around the cabinet, relief washes over me like a fucking tank. All soap bottles are gone, I step of the ladder letting myself finally lean forward onto the sink.

I take a long-needed breath before looking up at the mirror. She's bruised and tired, her lips are busted purple and red, blood stains cover her chin and neck, but overall, she's me. It's one thing to look like that and another to feel it. I hiss out as I put too much pressure on my hand remembering my finger. I start laughing at the irony of this situation, it's just like before in a way, bruises, blood, broken bones, pain overall.

"This is great" I turn the tap on, washing some of the blood off my face before walking over to the window for a better look at the gym that's right across from our apartment. I need a plan.

Shutters are down meaning someone definitely found the body but there's no police or anything of that sort. Two entrances, one in the front is definitely a no no and the one in the back also a no no, luckily the roof has an emergency escape hatch. That's my way in.

Crossing the road isn't even an option, if anyone is in there, they'll see me coming from miles away which is why I've just ran around the whole block just to be safe. A fence stands directly in my way to the gym but that's not an issue because I'm not going there. I climb on top of the bins carefully stretching my legs onto the thin metal fence, I move onto it fully balancing completely on my breathing, too deep and I shake, too little and I pass out. I need just the right amount.

I slowly reach for the edge of the rooftop to the building's ledge but with nothing to kick myself up I'm left to pull my body up, finally I manage to swing the rest of myself up onto the top and I get up immediately checking just how far the jump will be. Yeah, if I don't make it then to the morgue I go.

I walk all the way to the end of the roof preparing myself for the run "I hate my life" I whisper under my breath as I sprint fast across the roof until there's no longer anything to run on. Everything is so much higher once I'm in the air, those who said everything goes in slow motion is bullshitting because I'm in the air for less than 3 seconds before the gym roof comes flying towards me. I roll myself to a stop and completely stay still not letting a single muscle in my body move, making sure no one heard me. Once I'm in the clear I hover over the back entrance to see if anyone is there just to find it littered with cigarettes, I fucking hate cigarettes.

Moving onto the fun part. I open up the hatch, pulling on the heavy metal till there's just about enough space for my body to squeeze through. I can't chance opening it more than that, it's so quite that my breathing might even be the issue. Once inside I see a guy with an SMG, I hate those things with a passion. As he walks up and down, I lower myself just enough to tie my legs around his neck, he reaches for my legs scratching for me to let go but I only tighten it harder before snapping his neck completely. His body only acts as more weight on my arms as he goes lifeless.

My finger is literally on flames.

Dropping myself down I quickly catch his tie just before he could hit the ground and lower him gently onto his stomach. I do feel bad for taking lives, of course I do, but I seem to be on a streak that just doesn't stop.

As I walk down the metal staircase two more men in full black suits pass by with more guns, I push myself back onto a wall until they pass by allowing me to move into the main area without drawing any attention to myself.

Who the fuck are these people, I mean seriously the suits, the guns, the fucking audacity overall.

I've looked around at least a dozen times inside the gym to know that there is only one guy by the shutters and another in the ring sitting listening to music, but it looks like he's just a bit too high on some type of drug with the way he's dancing.

My butterfly knife sits on top of the small wooden table right next to me- WAIT WHAT.

Quietly I reach for it, examining the fact that it's spotless clean .... why would they wipe it clean, the body is still on the floor laying in his own pool of blood that's more black then red with flies picking on him. I shudder at the sight and permanently delete the image from my head, if only it were that easy though.

I hear a chair creek near by and my senses perk up to the top, I carefully follow the noise passing by the phone and into a small room to see Donte tied to a chair. My chest feels instantly hollow at the sight before me, I rush over spinning the chair to face me and watch as his eyes widen in shock, I put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet as I cut the silver duct tape of his arms, they even taped his mouth, animals.

Before I could get his other arm free I'm thrown against a wall with cold hands wrapping around my throat in mere second. I knee him straight in the stomach before taking my knife out cutting his arm in one swift swing. His white sleeved shirt instantly turns red and as I go for him again, he catches my next hit only slamming me even harder into the wall stopping me from getting at him, he places a knife of his own to my throat just as mines on his. I hover over the floor as he keeps me pinned to exactly where he wants, that's definitely leaving bruises. Our eyes lock and they stay like that for what feels like forever.

"NO STOP" Donte yells "MIA. THAT'S MIA DON'T!"

He stops moving the knife deeper into me, but his grip on the other hand tightens. His eyes never once leave mine, ignoring everything around him and mine seem to be doing just the same. They're such a dark green, with hints of brown mixed into them, they're definitely a catch and with his look's I'd say maybe life does have it's favourites after all. So this is the famous Nicholas Bane, seeing him in person is quite different to the countless pictures I've seen that are scattered about. News papers, magazines, news channels, I mean you name it but I must say, he's got more to him.

"Bane let go of her right now" Donte manages to shake out the chair, stumbling over to Bane as he grabs hold of his arm but even when tries to pull him away, he doesn't move an inch. Men rush in with guns pointed and ready to shoot but he doesn't react, he simply holds onto me "Bane" Donte says once more and the air gets knocked back into me as he lets go. I drop onto the floor with Donte by my side catching me.

I reach for my throat already feeling the cut and bruise setting in, for fucks sake.

"Mia oh my god, I thought you were dead" Donte jumps at me hugging onto me like I'll disappear.

"Nope, very much alive" I keep my eyes on Bane whose rolling his sleeved top to his elbows, his tattoos, I notice, snake around him entirely and I steal as much of the picture as I can before anyone notices. Instead my eyes wonder to his throat that has my handy work written all over it, his men on the other hand still have their guns pointed at me not taking their eyes of their target.

"You're- you're bruised all over lucciola"
( Firefly )

"I'm fine, a little sore but it's okay"

"No none of this is okay, I should never have dragged you into my world Mia I'm sorry" he pleaded, holding my hands as his eyes begging to tear.

"Donte I'm alive because of you, there's nothing to be sorry about"

Something scoffs behind me and I resit the urge to burry my knife into his skull, although something tells me I wouldn't be as upset as I was with the first guy.

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