Dream land

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I don't know how I made it down safely but I did, and I'm not about to start wondering on how just incase the big guy up there changes his mind and all.

Speeding through many lanes and slow cars I finally spot the sign of the airport he talked about and adrenalin shoots right through my body furling the need to go faster, and so I do. When I do get there however I slow down parking a good few meters away from them.I don't need them knowing I'm here especially when I know he'll just drive me back himself.

Ducking down low behind some bags that are stacked for transport I look ahead to see six black SUV'S parked in a circle with Max beside Nicholas, they're talking about something until a private jet snaps their attention away. Nicholas's guards make their way towards it with guns positions and ready for whatever it is that might interrupt them. The jet finally comes to a stop and the door opens. I can't see much, just the shoes of whoever just got off but just as I think everything is going smoothly bullets start flying from all corners and I waste no time in shooting straight towards it. I run across the open land until my back is against the wheels of the jet, slowly making my way around I walk into a massacre of what appears to not be Nicholas's men, instead it's just the other people who decided to interrupt. But no Nicholas, my heart begins to hurt from how fast it's beating but when I hear more gun shots there's a drop of hope that iambuses through me. I don't waste a single moment in running towards the noise before finally spotting them.

Nicholas is lacing the other guys in bullets, not one shot goes un-missed. Donte has Nicholas's back, shooting whoever he sees and all looks good up until they pull out a machine gun.
Donte dives onto the opposite side of Nicholas, rolling a good distance from where they just started shooting. I too rush for cover, praying that this cart is enough to withstand some of the bullets that have already begun drowning us. But none of them hit, not me at least. When the rain stops I stand up rushing towards the cunts as they begin reload but right as I was about to take my shot Levi catches my attention. She's standing behind Nicholas, gun raised and more than ready to shoot.

How the actual fuck did this bitch get here.

I turn my guns aiming straight for her and as her eyes shoot to the side finally seeing me, she's simply not fast enough to dodge my shot. My bullet hits her side sending her flying a couple of inches away from Nicholas until she's on the ground not moving. Nicholas turns around after hearing the gunshot scanning over me then Levi, but I don't hang around to watch his pissed of expression form. I carry on walking for the machine guns and begin taking out each and every guy controlling it. The look of horror before their deaths always stays with me but that's just the price you have to pay in order to survive, well at least in my world you do.

One by one they drop until I'm standing there with the smell of blood and gun powder polluting around every inch of me. To say I don't enjoy it would be a painful lie.

"Mia" I turn around to a sad face that belongs to Donte. He's doesn't necessarily feel sad or even disappointed, he just feels bad like always.

"Donte" I smile, he stretches his arms wide open and I don't waste another second as I run into his hug. This is what I've been missing for the longest time, he's my family.

"Never leave again do you understand " I mumble against the side his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere"

I don't get to enjoy another second with Donte before I'm torn away aggressively. My body twist to wherever the grip pulls me and I already know it's him.

"Nicholas what the fu-"

"Get in the fucking car, now" he stands over me still gripping onto my arm.

"I'm not leaving Donte"

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