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As I lay in my new bed I can't stop thinking about the fact he's one floor below me. I seriously need to stop with this bullshit he's just one simple guy, just a guy, I sigh deeply.

Right on cue I hear a door shut followed by some giggles, you've got to be fucking kidding ....

"Shhh stop" the high pitch squeal reaches my floor, I wish I had a gun with me because I'd gladly swallow a fucking bullet right about now. I roll onto my stomach earning a sting from my leg, shit I forgot to pick up the medicine but I can deal with the pain it's fine.

"Right there YES!"

On second thought, let's be a little bitch tonight and get those meds anyways. I get up throwing a oversized hoodie over the shorts I'm wearing, I managed to steal it from Nicholas when he was in the shower. It of course smells entirely of him which isn't good but then half of my clothes are still missing along with Donte who I have no idea where he is, this all sucks.

I walk out being careful with the door so it doesn't make a sound. I don't wanna disturb the love birds downstairs "I respect you" I mumble, dickhead.

I reach Larry's door and knock, for a moment I think he might be asleep, it is late but then the door opens and he's drunker than ever.

"I see you started your own party then" I give him a little smile because although it's clear as day that something's going on I honest to god suck at comforting people. Instead we just stand there with him clinging onto his door for support whilst I stand out here in the corridor like a whole idiot.

"Oh shit come in" he mumbles letting the door swing open for me.

"Yeah thanks" I awkwardly smile before walking in fast.

He stumbles past me onto his table where many cans of beer are littered around it, along with a bottle of vodka that's halfway done. The vile is still where it was last but I feel like he might accidently kill himself with it so I take it, placing it in a far cupboard "so what's the occasion?" I break the silence.

"My inevitable life sentence of working for Nicholas fucking Bane"

"Oh my god" I say under my breath, he's about to get himself killed "let's tone it down with the drinking shall we" I laugh reaching over for the bottle taking it off him "and that way I can pretend you didn't say that"

"what's the point he's an asshole who I hate and I don't know why I let him treat me like this, like I'm some toy for him to place wherever he wants" he wipes a tear that's escaped him and my heart breaks for him but there's also nothing I can do, nothing I can change except to let him sleep it off.

"Let's get you to bed come on"

"Why though, it's not like I'll wake up and things will get better" he's not wrong.

"No, but it'll definitely be less painful. You're drunk right now and can't control your emotions which makes it hurt more, trust me, you want to sleep this off"

"Whatever I don't care" he gets up but his body gives up on him, I catch him just in time making my stitches tear slightly but I continue to drag his ass to his bed where he instantly gets knocked out by the very much needed sleep.

I take my leave as I'm clearly not going to get what I came for. I now realize what he meant by it will hurt more without the medicine, before shutting his door I take the bottle of vodka he was drinking, this is gonna be a long long night but it will be one I wont be spending in Nicholas's room, that I know for sure.

As I get into the elevator I press for my floor.

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