"Trust me"

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I walk around them until I'm out in the open "Hey guys"

All of them spin around aiming their guns straight at me, there's 5 of them in front and honestly I would be fucked if Nicholas wasn't standing right behind them with both guns pointed at their heads.

"Boss we have the bitch" one say's and my head turns to him.

"Now that's just not nice is it"

Nicholas shoots the guy nearest to the prick that spoke and I watch as a trail of red slips down his face before he drops to the floor. The rest turn around for Nicholas but I jump forwards snapping one of their necks and moving straight for the next one, Nicholas shoot the other with ease whilst I bring the one with a big mouth to his knees.

"What was it that you called her?" Nicholas asks putting his gun to the side of pricks jaw.

The guy doesn't speak a word.

"Well since you're so keen on not speaking, let me help you make it permanent" Nicholas shoots once and the guys jaw basically drops from his face. Blood gushes out but not a noise peeps out of him, he can't, not when the pain he must be going through has his entire body shaking uncontrollably. Soon enough though he begins scrambling around on the floor trying to escape the pain as if it was actually possible.

"You okay?" he asks stepping over the guy taking my face into his hand and I nod against it "good"

A loud gunshot shoot past us and another guy collapses behind us, I look up to see Max reload his sniper and Nicholas pulls me away from the entrance as more pour through.

"How many more are there?" I ask annoyed at this whole sending men in to do his dirty work game.

"I don't know love but what I do know is I'll get you to him one way or another" he's not facing me right now but I am, but no matter how much I look at him his words continue to hold such power, such certainty that it makes me want to believe his ever sentence and in some way I do, I believe him enough to not question him once.

"I'll take the right side and you take the left" I finally say, he turns to me nodding moving forward to the swarm of men.

They circle around me not giving me a way out and it seems like all that anger I had for Donte, for Rayan, Belle, even for myself comes out, and I let it. I cut open each and every one their throats, anyone that I can get to I do with ease. Thick layer of blood trickles down my hands leaving small droplets hitting the puddled red floor.

I glance over to Nicholas just as he snaps someone neck. He too stands in a circle of dead people, only difference is he's not covered in blood where as I'm drenched, drowning.

He nods my way and I return to more bodies except this time they walt's in with grenades.

They take the pin out, throwing the tiny metal to the side before letting the actual weapon fly towards us. I throw myself over the counters and seconds later everything around me turns white, glass rains down with little wood pieces mixed in scratching the shit out of me yet im on my feet running towards them in mere seconds. They don't have time to process as I come out of the smoke with my gun pointed shooting every single one of them. Nicholas comes out the other side finishing the rest of them with Max helping from above.

Once it's silent again I glance over at him, his tie is loose, white shirt muddied and bloody, jacket ripped and dusty with a cut just at his cheek bone and lip. He too takes his time assessing my face.

Something shifts around me, the air becomes thicker, my skin thuds against my bones and I just know, I know somethings wrong.

I spin around catching a knife that was just about to be put into Nicholas's chest. He doesn't react though, he doesn't have time. My palm instantly begins to burn as the sharp steel slides through each layer at my palm. Everything has gotten so quite that I can hear my blood drip at Nicholas feet.

I take the knife throwing it to the side with a light cling as it slams across the tiles.

"Well you just seem to never fail at surprising me"

I know that voice all too well.

"Levi" I say through my teeth.

"Mia" she finally steps through the smoke, her lips have a smile playing at them the very opposite of me.

Nicholas moves for her but I stop him "go see if Max is okay"

"He's not going anywhere" she warns stepping forward.

"Yeah what she said" Nicholas says beside me but I keep my gaze locked on her as she stares at him.

"Nicholas" I warn.

"Mia" he warns back.

"Mia" Levi also warns.

Suddenly my name becomes a bore, I pull out my knives and walk towards her. Nicholas's hold grazes my hand but never quite gets to a full hold and ultimately he realises there's no way I'm going to let her get away. He pulls back to the more men flooding in.

"Mia I only want him don't complicate things" she backs away not looking behind her as we head deeper into the smoke.

But I can't feel or hear a thing she's saying.

I think me being over protective has come from me never getting it. I've always wished for someone to just for once take the bullet for me instead of me being a constant shield for everyone. Then I met Nicholas, and now, now the person in front of me has just nearly taken that away from me.

So you can imagine why killing her is my only thought right now.

"Mia" she warns one last time while pulling out her machete's but I just keep moving for her "for fucks sake" she says under her breath as she finally stops moving away. I grip onto my knives harder feeling my palms pulse from how hard im squeezing them right now.

She swings first and misses, I move for her but she swings again nearly cutting my neck clean off. I go low digging my knife into her side, her body drops to one side just as my knife leaves her body. Her hand clasps the cut immediately "you really think you can kill me?"

"I know I can" I run for her punching her repeatedly, eventually her legs give in and just as she falls back I feel her hands tie around me pulling both of us down. I roll over getting on top of her-

"Mia wait" she yells as I press my knife into her throat enough to make her breath hitch and for me to feel the first few layer of her skin tear.

"Why?" is all she says. I stare into her brown eyes not understanding her question "why are you on his side, he's a monster"

"No he's not"

"Just trust me and let me have him"

I almost laugh at her stupid words "and here I thought you were actually smart" I feel her arm reaching for her machete but she doesn't make it very far, I dive my knife into her shoulder earning a screeching scream.

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