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"What's his name, the guy that gave you those scars" he asks.

Well that's something I least expected him to ask. My whole body stiffens at the thought of saying it out loud but as I hold onto Nicholas it only reminds me that I'm not there, I'm here, with him.

"Rayan" I feel like throwing up.

"Did I cross the line?"

"No" I shake my head "what was your mothers name?"

"Celine" he also slightly stiffened at her name, we're both fucked.

"Who exactly was he to you?" I didn't have to ask who 'he' was to know he meant Rayan.

"He-" I take a second to answer that one.

"Hey, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to"

"No I do, its just been so long since I spoke about him"

"How long are we talking about"

"Seven years"

His soft hands glide down across my legs. I glance down at him, breathing out a held in breath that I seemed to have out of nowhere but I don't hold back "we were together for five years, but it wasn't like I had a choice and to answer your question it's simply impossible because he was nothing to me. Maybe at the beginning sure, yeah, he was the childish crush or whatever but as time went on there isn't a word I could use to describe to you what he became. Those two years I spent with Donte was the only time I actually got to live, breath again" I say truthfully "my turn, did anyone know about what your mother was doing to you?"


"And they didn't do anything?"


"I hate this world more than anything" he chuckles at my comment "what you don't agree?"

"Oh I do believe me I do" he sighs looking up at me "Donte told me you two knew each-other which I found a bit weird becomes how have I never met you since now?"

"No idea but I met Donte through my mom, they were business partners until they became practically besties" I smile remember the countless Christmas's that were spent at home with everyone, Donte would always end up bring the craziest gifts. I blink out of my warm memory finding him smiling "okay, your turn"

He nods "how did you get this?" he traces over the old scar that he brang up back in America.

I can't help but chuckle at this idiot "you still remember it?"

"I remember everything when it comes to you Mia, without even meaning to"

I smile a little at his comment "I got it from him, it was actually the first one that he gave me. We had just come back from a family dinner and I decided to stay over at his for the night, worst mistake of my life I'll tell you that. We got into an argument over my sister because apparently I was being mean to her which is the funniest thing ever by the way" I chuckle lightly at the thought of me being anything but nice to that bitch.

"But anyways, one thing led to another and he stormed out of the room, I thought it was over and that I could finally go to bed" my brain spaced out for a moment thinking about how terrified I felt that night "but he had other plans, he came back in with a knife and told me he was going to kill me if I didn't call her and apologies. I called him insane and told him to put the knife down, again, he didn't like that so he jumped at me with it, I managed to get around him and made a run for the door but the second I opened it he had caught up to me and dug the knife straight in"

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