Destroy me

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Laying down my mind wonders to a billion places at once. Mostly my past of course because it seems as though my stupid brain just keeps hanging onto it.


I'm way too drunk to respond but not drunk enough to not know who that is.

"Do you have any idea how many people are looking for you right now?"

"Someone's pissed" I giggle a little but don't take my eyes of the ceiling. It's an interesting ceiling if I'm being honest but that view soon gets replaced and instead I'm now looking at Nicholas as he hovers above me.

"Never disappear like that again do you understand me" he's got that serious face on, it's cute.

"Yes sir anything else sir? like maybe join you for a threesome or should I just bring a guy over and let you hear how many time he can make me c-" he grips my face stopping me from carrying on with my beautiful sentence.

"You're so fucking lucky you're drunk right now" his grip softens as he trails his thumb over my cheek, too much emotions. I swing my legs around his waist and flip us over so I'm on top, he's shirtless ....well fuck.

"That's better" I sigh reaching over for the bottle, right when I was about to drink he takes it from me placing it back on the floor next to him. When I try to get it he only catches my wrist "enough" he gently says, weirdly enough I listen.

"Do you wanna play a game?" I sigh positioning myself more comfortably on top of him, he catches my waist instantly, lifting me up a little  "Amore you really don't want to do that" I understand immediately and the heat that creeps into my cheeks doesn't go unnoticed by the both of us "sorry" I whisper as he sets my back down on him.

I swallow a lump in my throat and even my breathing out. Even with the cold wind hitting against our bodies it feels like its barely there, it's so hot.

"What's the game love" his hands are on my waist slowly stroking them which oddly feels comforting.

"Right" I lick my lips trying to get rid of the many racing thoughts "you can ask me any question you want and if I answer it I get to ask you something, if I don't answer however then you get to keep asking until I do, still wanna play?" I smile as he stares at me clearly thinking about it. For a second I think he's gonna say no but his curiosity wins.

"Lets start then" he says smiling.

"Oh I wouldn't be smiling Mr. Bane, this game tends to get personal"

"I'll only go as deep as you Miss Evars, you're in control of how this goes"

I was never going to go easy, I want to know everything. Curiosity seems to be winning tonight.

"When's your birthday?" I start of easy.

"April 26th, when's yours?"

"August 29th, do you have any siblings?"

"Only child, you?"

"Sister, parents?"

He smirks at me like I've just started the harder and more painful side of this game and he's right. I have "dead, yours?"

"Moms dead, first scar?" he takes my hand pulling it down slightly below his hip. My fingers brush along the silver scar and all I wanna do is ask how he go it, but my question is over. His breathing deepens with my every touch and I look up to see if I crossed the line but he only has lust in his eyes.

"Behave Mr. Bane"

"Trust me, I am" we stay locked in the same position until he asks his questions "your first scar?" and this is where it get's interesting.

"It's better if I just show you " his face scrunches a little with confusion but he'll get it in a second. I hover over him, pulling my hoodie off me leaving just the shorts and my bra as the only coverage left, his eyes scan over my body and as I sit back down he grabs a hold of my waist again "slowly" he warns. I let him guide me down at his own pace, I try and hold in my laughter as I feel him harden under me.

"Laugh all you want love but when that alcohol leaves your system, you won't be so cheerful"

Counting on it.

I take his hand putting it on my back, I lean into him so he can feel it better making me be inches away from his face "do you feel it?"

His gaze travels slowly away from mine and into my lips, I can't help but smile as he tries to do everything but move "I'm feeling a lot of things right now"

I shake my head, readjusting his hand onto the top of my shoulder just below a little. I can tell he found it by the way his face turns serious "to answer your curious gaze, he bit me to keep me down. My turn" I sit up not bothering to put my hoodie on, Nicholas on the other hand looks like he could kill just about anything right about now.

"Lighten up Mr. Bane, the game just begun"

"Ask away"

"How did you get..." I trial my eyes all over his body, looking for a specific one I get caught on when finally "this one" I point to the scar on his chest.

"My mom-" he says a little too painfully so he stops, taking a short moment to focus "-dug a knife into me because my dad cheated on her" he said the rest so effortlessly without a single drop of emotions.

Well fuck me "why would she do that?" I ask carefully.

"Two questions at once, are we changing the game Miss Evars?" he teases and I try to leave it alone but I can't. I want to know why she would hurt her own son because her husband cheated on her.

"I was eight and looked exactly like my father, so I guess that was enough for her" he shrugs, although it's completely convincing that he doesn't care, I know damn well he does.

"Mia, I didn't sleep with anyone" he suddenly says making me sit up straighter "not that I care but I heard you-"

"Max accidently gave my key card to some girl, who then also brought another friend along. I was in the bathroom the whole time"

I frown at this, not only does this make me feel stupid but I could honestly jump out the window right now. The fact that the thought of him sleeping with someone else is enough to make me spiral like this is unbelievable. He pulls me in, flipping our bodies so that he's on top, my body willingly flows to anywhere he wants and the control freak in him is loving it.

"Jealous were we?" he's in-between me now, reaching for one of my legs he ties it around himself, and fuck is it hot.

"Of you? please-"

"This game is meant to be truthful love, and I believe I just asked you a question" his voice low and dark, holding so much in the words he's just uttered.

I don't say anything but he smiles in victory anyways, I'd say I don't know why he's grinning but I know, we both know. Hiding behind smiles and witty words, I can get behind that for now.

"Tomorrow we're heading back to England" he plays with my hair as he continues talking "so I need you to sleep now" his eyes bore into mine making me so sleepy all of a sudden, maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe, just maybe it's the fact he manages to calm every part of me that's terrified. I'm on full alert with every step, every breath I take and yet nothing matters when he's near.

"Okay, but when will Donte come back?"

"Soon, I promise"

My eyes feel heavier and heavier with each touch of his until the last thing I hear is his voice "you're going to destroy me Mia" I feel a kiss on my cheek as he pulls into his warm chest, somehow I manage to sink even deeper into him and the cold covers.

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