Personal spy

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After my very difficult shower of me constantly balancing on one leg I head onto my bed. It's freezing as fuck in here and I had to pull some ninja shit to hop over the glass pieces that are still everywhere, the bed is completely broken from Bane snapping the guy in half but I managed to drag the mattress out of it's frame so I could actually get comfy. I lay down with the towel still around me thinking of home, I miss my old mattress, I miss Donte. With him not here it's like I've lost my only anchor to my sanity, every time I close my eyes images of Rayan resurface, there's one memory that just won't leave me alone. He locked me in his toilet for months, kept me chained there for his enjoyment, the one and only reason he let me out was because he got bored of me taking up so much space. I remember the cracked tiles that littered the floor leaving me with fresh cuts each night, eventually I got used to it and just dealt with it. I had no choice in that.

I sigh, brushing my wet hair from my face before remembering what Max said, the party, shit. Right as I get up my eyes catch a glimpse of my bruised face, the cut on my lips has died down to just a little slit which is good because the bruising went all the way down to my chin. The rest is a subtle purple, nothing a good concealer can't fix.

As I sneak into the room Max told me about I contemplate whether or not this is a good idea. The last time I went to a club or gathering ..... it just makes itch thinking about it, but it's been years. I know I can do it, I just have to take the first step. My slippers warm my feet with it's fluffy coating and for a moment I doubt going, I really have no business there, none, and yet my hand turns the handle bar the room. It's smaller than I thought, and it's not a room at all just a closet space that stretches a good bit filled to the brim with dresses and others necessities. Both sides neatly sorted on hangers light to dark, everything's beyond the words gorgeous. I open a small draw finding it filled with lipsticks, blushes, mascaras, some of these brands cost thousands. I pick the closest shade of concealer to me, finding a small mirror buried under everything and apply it to the bruises. Like I said, easily fixable, I quickly set it with some powder before brushing it away and just as I go to put everything back the door opens leaving me no time to hide, except it's Max.

"Did I scare you?"

I shake my head smiling as he chuckles, "so I came to find out if you were coming and in hopes that you were, I came with vital information"

"Vital information?" I ask a little worried.

"To what the other girls are wearing of course" he grins locking the door behind him.

"Max are you my personal spy?" I fake gasp.

"At your service"

He's probably the only other guy besides Nicholas I can stand being next to "so pretty boy what are they wearing"

"Flattered, mostly light colours, beige to light blue seems to be the pattern"

"Beige I get but light blue?"

"My thoughts exactly" he agrees looking at the clothing options.

"Wait you're telling me these are from all the girls you slept with?"

"Yeah" he says fully proud without turning around.

My eyes widen as I scan over the amount I'm seeing "My spy is a whore"

He spins around, joining me in my little evaluation "I'll get better eventually......I hope"

There's no hope for him.

"Okay so I think I found one" he pulls a dress out and to my surprise there's genuinely nothing wrong with it in the least, I love it "and it looks to be your size, wanna try it out?"

I nod and before I could even tell him to look away he spins around never once turning to take a peak or act pervy, I like him.

"Okay what do we think?"

He turns around and watch as his mouth opens wide, I can't help but laugh at his stupidity.

"Shelby looks like it was made for you and only you"


"The girl who wore it"

"Great.....that's great thanks Max" I groan but accept him nonetheless.

"Anytime, but I'm serious you look stunning, red is definitely your colour"

"Thank you" I look at the full length mirror and I have to agree with him. This dress is beautiful and with my light hair it definitely makes me noticeable, not sure if that's what I need as it is my first time getting out there again but it's too pretty to take off, plus as I said before, things are different now.

"Would you do me the honours of going to the party with me new best friend?" He smiles stretching an arm out for me to take, and I do.

"Let's do it"

"Oh and put those on"

I look to where he's pointing at and before me sit these beautiful heels. Now, I hate heels for many reason but i can't just go with my fluffy slippers can I, I slip them on finding myself at eye level with Max, he grins at this.

"Hair up or down?" I ask just as he opens the door.

"Down, definitely down"

I nod stepping out as he holds the door open for me, we walk together, arms knotted as he leads us to the elevator. I can't help but feel excited, there's been a lot of training and serious conversations in my free time, now I get to go to a party, this is all thrillingly weird.

"Did you know that Bane made sure to double the security at the front just in case you stumbled in" he smirks look down at me but I just frown.

"Why are you happy about that?"

"Because it's like seeing your child take it's first steps" he sighs "Bane hasn't ordered extra security since like ever"

"Won't that make this whole thing pointless then, I mean with the double security-"

"Oh look at you being all cute and worried, Bane is in charge or everything, yes. But I'm in charge of all the security"

"And you're not worried about him getting mad?"

"Nah, pretty sure he's accepted the fact he won't always get his way with me"

"Yeah well he seems to love his need for control quite a bit so we'll see just how accepting he really is"

The elevator doors open and we step out, still with our arms locked tight.

"That sounded like you were referring back to this afternoon, are you bothered by his choice of company?" he smirks at me.

"How much is he paying you to wind me up?"

His lips stretch into a smile laughing at me "can't tell the price unless it's worked"

"Well hate to be that guy but looks like you're not getting paid, but no, to answer truthfully I don't care who he has as company"

"You can't say you'll answer it honestly then lie Mia"

"Fuck right off" I roll my eyes letting out a breath.

He chuckles taking his eyes off me to nod at one of the guards who lifts the rope up allowing us to pass in. The second we do all eyes are on us "well this is exactly what I didn't need"

"Can you blame them? you're hot"

I punch him in the rib cage without anyone seeing but he definitely felt it "what I can't say my best friend is hot?" he wheezes out trying to breath and stand straight all at the same time. I can't help but laugh.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

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