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Guards begin packing into their assigned blacked out cars, each strapped with all sorts of guns around them and if there was a prize for having set death glares, they'd win the prize. I sigh leaning closer into the wall as I wait for Max to hurry up and meet me like I asked, just when I look over to see if Donte or Nicholas would accidentally find me Max comes through, walking over to me a slight grin on his face.

"Are we planning the down fall of someone because if so I need to know as soon as possible"

I smile pulling him behind some crates so no one sees or hears us "if that were the case we'd definitely wouldn't be talking in Nicholas's garage"

"Okay so if we're not planning a genocide what are we doing"

He's going to regret that.

"I need a favour"

"Yeah anything" he frowns, slightly worried now.

I take in a deep breath taking one more glance around before saying it "if and when Donte asks about me and Nicholas could you maybe tell him that we still hate each other?" I smile with fear in me, he just steps back eyes wide and all.

"So you want me to lie to Donte who is the scariest man I've ever come across because you don't wanna tell him your sleeping with his grandson"

I don't say anything because that's pretty much it.

"Yeah basically" I whisper under my breath.

"Okay yeah it was nice knowing you I'll just go and start digging my own grave now I guess" he begins to walk away but I grab onto him pulling him back out of view.

"Fine don't lie but just don't tell the whole truth at least"


"Please Max. He's pissed as it is, I don't want to be the reason why he starts on him again, please" he doesn't respond but he also doesn't say no. The anticipation is killing me but I know I'm asking for a lot so I stand quiet waiting for an answer.

"You know I can't say no to you, but Mia I swear if I get killed-"

"I won't let that happen dumbass" I chuckle rolling my eyes "but thank you" he shakes his head smiling back at me.

"So do you have your outfit ready?"

"Yeah Donte had it picked out already which makes my life ten times easier, you?"

"Yup, one normal waiter at your service" he slightly bends forward smiling as if he's actually taking an order.

"You're an idiot"

"Well this idiot needs to get going and I suggest you start getting ready too"

"You're probably right, I'll see you later then" I begin to walk but stop when he calls my name.

"Be careful today, the man you're meeting.... he's not exactly known for keeping his hands to himself"


"But I got you either way" he smiles walking away.

Meeting Max was probably the best thing for me, he's mentally good for me if that makes sense and plus, I adore him fully.

I make my way up from the garage and up to my room where I find Nicholas already there sat on my bed staring at his hands deep in his thoughts. It's a shame he noticed me standing there, it was so real I wish I could've had a longer look into that mind of his.

"Well this is a surprise" I say shutting the door behind me.

"Just wanted to see how much we hated each other again" he smiles, head tilted a little to the side as he looks up at me.

"I panicked okay, I'm sorry" I sigh picking up my dress.

"It's okay I just hate the fact you have to lie to him"

"It's that or listen to him go after you for another reason, what's his deal anyways" I begin undressing in the bathroom unable to see Nicholas but from the silence I'm getting it's obvious somethings wrong "Nicholas?"

"Yeah sorry" he clears his throat "it's a long story love and one I wouldn't want you knowing about"

"What do you mean?"

"You'd see him differently Mia, and I don't want to be the reason for that"

Finally putting on the dress I walk straight out to finally see him. He's clearly sad but that doesn't last long as his eyes scan every inch of me making me feel entirely naked under his gaze. I ignore the pulsing between my legs and walk over to him.

"You need to understand that I'm not going to ignore the fact you're hurting just because it's Donte. As much as I love and respect him I'll always stand by what's right"

"You look stunning" I know exactly what those eyes of his mean as I come to stand in between his legs. His hands trace over my legs softly skimming his fingers on my skin nearly making me forget what I was saying  "Nicholas" I warn with a smile.

"I heard you love, but can I tell you after this dinner?"


"Promise" he stares deeply into me and once again I'm lost in his eyes. I don't mean to make it sound so....romantic but it's the truth, I'm utterly and completely lost in them.

"The amount of things I would love to do to you right now but there just isn't enough time" I watch his soft lips move as he talks.

"Time is a bitch"

"I agree" he chuckles finally standing up changing the whole height difference along the way. Now it's me looking up at him and god does he love that, he bends down kissing me softly. This kiss is different, it isn't possessive or needy it's simply so many other words that I can't say just yet, when we pull away I can see he felt the same.

"I told Donte I would keep my mouth shut and stay calm during the meeting" his thumb brushes against my cheek gently and all I want to do is close my eyes and fall asleep to his touch "but Mia, if he so much as looks at you wrong, I'll rip him into pieces"

I hold his hands that are still on my face bringing them down "you don't have to do that it's okay, I get how important this meeting is"

"I don't care about the fucking meeting I care about you, that's it, that's all there is"

My heart feels small compared to the beating of it and there's this feeling of insatiable warmness that is covering me from head to toe.

"Mia there's something you need t-"

"Mia are you in there?" Donte yells from the elevator and seconds later footsteps follow getting closer and closer to my doors.

"Get in the bathroom" I push Nicholas to the bathroom but it's no use he's stuck in place "Nicholas move" I'm whispering now.

"I need to tell you something"

"You can tell me after Donte doesn't kill you and me now please move before he sees you"

Finally he walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him and on cue a knock on my door sends me walking towards it. I open it to find Donte in a full black suit looking younger than he is.

"You look beautiful Mia" he's being genuine, that's the Donte I was raised by so why can't he just be like that when Nicholas is around.

"Thank you, you clean up nice if I may say so"

"You know I love compliments so keep em coming" he chuckles showing off his dimples "have you see Bane anywhere?, it's not like him to be late"

"Nope but I'll help you look if you'd like"

"No no darling he'll just have to meet us there"

"I don't mind waiting for him"

"But our host will, come" he stretches his arm towards me and I take it shutting the door behind us. I feel bad for Nicholas, he doesn't deserves this.

I'm with a man who keeps me happy in my every waking moment but being with him near Donte only brings him sadness, when will I win.

Into oblivion                                                                 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora