Far from it

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-Nicholas's pov-

When I wake up Mia is wrapped around me. I lay still feeling her heartbeat against me, I feel the little breaths she takes when she does these small twitches of hers, I watch as her hair moves along with her breathing, her lips, the peacefulness that consumes her whole body. If I could spend forever somewhere I'd spend it here with her, it could be as simple as laying in bed for eternity and I'd still choose this.

But of course it's never as easy as that. When I first met Mia she managed to put a knife to my throat and when I tell you no one has ever gotten that close, I don't put it lightly. She fascinated me with how little she cared for things but I soon came to realize that, that was all a show that she beautifully acted out on a daily bases. The walls she has built around her are strong and aren't planning on coming down any time soon and that's good, because neither are mine.

I wont lay here pretending I don't feel for her because I do, so fucking much. And deep down I know she feels it too but it takes time to heal from the past, there's no deadline for the healing process and I learned that the hard way, but one things for sure, she's not going anywhere. I can't lose her only after I just found her. The more I think about her the more I find her in things that paint the clearest of pictures, she always looked more like spilt sunlight dancing in between tree lines to me. Foggy but golden, floating on top timid leafs without a weight of worry, you could never quite touch her but you always knew she was there, you could feel her on your skin just warming the cold until it too just disappeared.

Her light reflected everyone's hidden qualities to the very surface, forcing them to shine their true colours to the world, without her everything would be the definition of bland.

I don't know why I feel so strongly for her only but I do, I just do. These new emotions are dangerous and something I've never had to deal with before and yet here I am feeling every inch of it's wrath. I un-tangle myself from her warm body and carefully without waking her, head for a shower. Me simply leaving her has my heart instantly banging against my ribcage, as if trying to physically make me get back to her. As painful as it is, I don't, I keep walking trying my hardest not to listen to it.

Some time later-

"Boss I'm just updating you on Max to tell you he's reached us and he's fine"

I nod waving the guy off as I continue to watch Mia. She's sitting with Harry whose making her laugh each time his mouth opens, now normally he'd be dead by now but he's making Mia happy and I've already visited him yesterday to tell him politely- that's a lie , I twisted each of his fingers and made him repeat each time that he will look after her and do whatever she wants.

Yes I could've asked nicely but I don't know the first thing about being nice. However, when Mia's around that changes real fast and I actually try, key word try.

"Mia" I call over from the kitchen, her pretty head turns almost immediately as her name leaves my mouth. She excuses herself from Harry and makes her way to me, her hips sway side to side and its hard not to watch, her hair is slightly tied back leaving two little strands to frame her face. She looks as if though peace itself lived in a person.

I've never allowed a girl into this house nor have I ever kept one as company, not that you could ever keep Mia. If she wants something different than you, she'd get her way. Not many men could handle a women like her, but then again, women like her aren't meant to be handled at all.

"I was thinking we go for a drive" I watch as her brown eyes light up with excitement but also with something else "just around the area" I add in

"And where would you be taking me exactly" her lips turn into a little smirk. Fuck.

"Guess you'll just have to get in the car to find out"

"I'll get my jacket" she smiles making her way up the stairs passing by Ray on the way, for a moment my hand could almost feel the weight of my gun. She's happy today and no one is getting in the way of that but to my surprise he simply keeps walking towards the kitchen.

I turn my head to the side evaluating the situation before me, Ray notices and I can tell he wants to say something along the lines of 'go fuck yourself' or even simply 'piss off' but he's also not that stupid, so he stays alive and doesn't do anything.

That was until he spun around setting his cup of coffee harshly down on the counter.

"Look Bane, I don't want to die but what kind of game are you playing by brining her here?" he signs at me.

"That's for me to know" he's really starting to piss me off. Ray is one of our best shooters, always has been always will be, it would be a bitch to find a different guy for that position but I guess Max comes in second so never mind .

"I wasn't going to hurt her, she agreed to get in that ring all by herself"

"Are you trying to piss me of on purpose here" I look back to the staircase incase Mia's there, he's not spoiling it for her.

His face turns into a scowl, one that both hold the memory of how painful that moment was for him and how he also know more than anything that I'll take something actually vital the next time he fucks up "No"

"Good, because the next time you lay a finger on her or share your not so important thoughts, I'll make you cut off whatever i see fit"

"Hey I'm ready"

I look away from him to Mia whose now standing by the door, jacket in hand and those eyes of hers assessing the tension here. I look back to Ray who looks back at me.

"I understand"

I nod walking past him not wanting to keep her waiting or have her waste her time trying to solve a pointless issue.

"What was that about?" I feel her eyes on me as we walk out.

"Nothing that pretty head of yours should be worrying about"

She rolls her eyes at me as I open the car door for her to get in "what a gentlemen" she teases.

"Far from it Amore"

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