At peace

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I throw on Nicholas's shorts and shirt not bothering to pick something out from my closet, plus, I've had this on since the hotel so I might as well put them to good use. As I run down the stairs I come to find Donte giving Nicholas the most hatful look I've ever seen. I never knew Donte had this in him, let alone towards someone he's supposed to love as family.

"Oh my god Mia are you okay?" he rushes towards me, arms lifted out to hold me with a worried look on his face.

My smile and excitement seem to have faded away suddenly "yeah I'm fine what's wrong?"

"I thought he was going to hurt you, did he?"

I instantly frown jumping out of my own skin "WHAT, no no I'm fine Nicholas wouldn't-"

"First name basis huh? mind if I use it" his back is turned to Nicholas so he can't see the murdering glare that is being shot at him right now.

"Donte" Nicholas warns nice and calmly. I'm embarrassed to admit that it was more than just attraction I felt at the way he said it, there's just this natural flow of control that rolls through him and raising his voice would be only serve as a waste for him. Once he's spoken he's listened to, immediately. He's leaned up against the edge of the sofa with his arms folded and I only now realise just how fast he's gotten changed and not to mention showered.

Everyone falls quiet and the feeling in this room is nauseating.

"I'm sorry. It's the trip it's got me tired and taking it out on you wont solve anything, my dear Mia I'm sorry, truly" 

"Yeah, no I understand get some sleep and then we'll talk, okay?" I give him a small smile and he nods my way before walking up the stairs. I can't help but feel disappointed as I watch him disappear all the way to the top, I waited so long for him to come back only for him to return as a whole different person.

"Hey, come here" I turn around seeing his hand stretched out for me, I take it and he pulls me in, tying his warmth around my suddenly cold body "he's pissed off at me and is taking it out on everyone else around him"

"It's just, I've never seen this side of him"

"Believe it or not but there's more where that came from" he stares at the top of the staircase likes there's more to this whole thing than just petty arguments.

"What aren't you telling me?"

His heads snaps to my direction and I swear I saw a glint of worry in them "nothing Amore just give him a day, let him get some sleep or whatever else he needs"

"Okay, yeah you're right" I shake my head riding myself of the overthinking that's trying to make it's way to the top.

He slowly begins to smile and I can't help but copy "what?"

"You look cute in my clothes"

"I'll give them back I swear they're just really comfy" I pull slightly away to see more of him, his hands on my waist stay however, pulling me in with care.

"I said you look cute, not to give them back, take whatever you want love, literally"

"I can think of a few things I want"

He smirks, eyes glancing down to my lips "I like this side of you, all open and breathtakingly blunt but as much as I would love to listen to every word that comes out you're pretty mouth you have to go eat" he plants a small kiss on my nose and my body heats up like a furnace. I love how he makes me feel. He walks up the stairs and out of view but my eyes still linger to where he just was, I only look away once Max walks up to me.

"Well you missed your food" he huffs.

"Shit! sorry Max" I forgot all about food, it's not like I had time to think about it though but still.

His head shakes but a smile quickly appears making me feel less shitty "I'll heat it up for you, come on"

I follow him but take one last glance behind me, just incase Nicholas is there but he's not.  Something isn't right, I can't shake this gut feeling and I'm trying so hard not to ruin something good but ignoring the alarms blaring from all possible directions in my mind are getting harder to ignore.

"Oi come on"

I tear myself away from the stairs and change the subject completely.

"So, what have you been up to?" I sit down grabbing a slice of pizza he made and god does it smell amazing. I take a bite and nearly die on the spot "oh god this is the best thing I've ever ate what the fuck"

"I did say follow the chef" he smiles leaning onto the counter top.

"Yeah but I didn't take it in a literal sence" I take another slice swallowing the last bite from the first one.

"So you and Bane huh?"

"It's complicated but... yeah" I give him a smile.

"He's definitely been a lot more happier and you look happy too"

"Yeah it's a new one for me too but I'm settling in pretty fine I think"

"Well listen if your happy I am too"

"Thank you Max, really"

"Now keep eating and I'll see you later, I need to run down and get more flour from the basement"

"Shouldn't someone else be doing that?"

"Why because I'm half dead?"

"Yeah actually, exactly because of that" I dead pan.

He gives me a shocked face of betrayal "listen I'm only being honest my crippled bestie"

"Less talking more eating" he walks of to the basement leaving me alone with my pizza.

"Well looks like it's just us" I carry on eating till I get bored. You'd think someone in this mansion is free and down to talk but nope, it's always either everyone is simply dead, busy, keeping secrets or sleeping. Last one doesn't sound bad at all, it's one in the morning and I personally need to do some so catching up with sleep.

I drag myself to the elevator, exhausted as ever and as I'm about to press on a floor I change my mind. I might as well go up to Nicholas, so I press on his office floor. Right as the doors open I'm greeted with his voice echoing through the dim hallway.

"Yeah and I said no- well take it however you want but I'm done, no, empty threats aren't exactly effective you know" I push open his half creaked door and walk in. He sees me and instantly relaxes a little "oh fuck off would you" he hangs up the phone dropping it onto the desk without taking his eyes of me "hey"

"Hey back" I say walking over to his side. He takes a seat pulling me along "I was just checking in to see if you were going to sleep anytime soon"

"Yeah in a few minutes but you can stay with me whilst I finish"

"Okay" I cuddle into him, my feet swing in the air as I shrink myself onto his lap. He kisses the top of my head, he begins sorting out some paper work until the rest becomes a blur.

"Sshh, it's okay sleep I'm right here" I wake up noticing I'm already in bed with new covers and him next to me "sleep, I'm here" I nod against him hugging onto him like a pillow. He's so soft I can't help myself which amazes me because every part of him is basically all muscles, not even kidding.

I just wish moments like these were longer.

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