Mission impossible

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"Guns are in the back, grab them"

I jump out the car the second he stops and head for the trunk, when I do I'm met with literally everything, pistols, aka's, grenades', ropes, crowbars, knives , SMG'S - I could so go on, but what catches my eyes is the G36.

"Here" I throw him some ammo that he tucks into his waist band. I too take some extra bullets just incase.

"Come here" I walk over to him as he pulls me in closer putting a gun strap on me.

"Thanks mom" I roll my eyes but he only grabs my face making me look up.

"If you so much as step out of my shadow I'm dragging your pretty ass back to the car do you understand?" His eyes darken not joking in the slightest "Mia" he warns.

"I go it" that's bullshit, he leans down planting a long kiss on my forehead.

I tuck in the dual pistols he made me take and check to see if my knife that I tucked into my ankle is secured, finally I grab the gun that has my mouth watering.


"Ready" I reply taking in a deep breath.

We make a run for the side of the abandoned building, it was definitely a hospital before whatever happened to it. It's white structure now yellow and crumbling apart, no doors or windows leaving nothing but darkness in those places.

"How many windows?" he asks behind me.

"Seriously?" is he really fucking quizzing me right now?

"Hope you're patient because waiting in the car might be a while-"

"Fuck off there's thirty two plus the entrance, happy?"

"Not the word I'd use but yes, satisfied"

I turn around to face him, my chest pressed against his, his eyes wondering places it shouldn't be "can we move now?"

"Oh we're gonna move, but only when you start to take this seriously" he pushes me back, I hit the wall instantly and I'm pinned onto it even faster "if you leave with so much as a scratch I swear to you Mia, by all the god I'll lock you away until Donte gets back are we clear"

I can only nod as the tension rises, I'm supposed to be worried about what he said and yet all my head can think about is him. With a quick couple of blinks to shake my head into concentration we walk in slow, guns raised with both of us side by side scanning each room we pass. I walk forward only to be pulled back by Nicholas who shoots me a death glare, I can't help but I just roll my eyes, I carry on following his every move and occasionally there's a few tries to stray away but it never works, he seems to sense all my moves before I can even think of them. The whole building is dead silent only though, our footsteps are left to echo through the empty mass space.

We walk into what looks like a cafeteria and right from the corner of my eyes something glistens, I know all to well what it is before I can even blink. I jump in front of Nicholas and shoot the fucker who was about to take his shot "you know, I thought I loved snipers until I realised how annoying they really are" I say as we both watch his body drop from the near by rooftop.

"Did you just jump in front of a bullet?"

I spin around on my heels "you're welcome"

He raises his gun to my head and for a second I doubt everything I know about him, the gun goes off sending my hair flying to one side as the bullet passes by ringing my ears in the process.

"Watch your back" he grins walking to where he just shot the guy, this piece of shit.

"Won't have to if you take my fucking head off" I whisper yell, although if I could ide be doing more than just yelling.

"I would never"

"You sure about that?"

"How else would I live if I didn't have you staring at me like you wanted to kill me at every second"

I frown, yet my lips smile "asshole"

"See, I'd just miss you too much"

Footsteps echo behind me, I duck down spinning at the other fuckers who enters aiming his gun at Nicholas. He doesn't spot me when I shoot him dead, my bullet comes out from the other side of his brain in seconds. I grin as his body drops to the floor.

"2-1" I smile at Nicholas whose just staring at me with those eyes, I walk past into the next corridor and he follows along only to be met with four more hallways.

"Don't even think about"

"There's four corridors, if we split we can go over them in less then ten minutes"

"What, no"

"Do you want to lose Max"

"I'd rather not lose the two closest people I have left on this planet Mia, that's what I want" he says hovering over me with so much care and fear I don't know what to do, but with a yell interrupting us I snap out of it. It's Max, this shouldn't even be a discussion.

"When you're done with your corridor start with the next one"


I move forward getting a good space between us and when I feel like there's plenty, I spin back around kicking him low in the stomach. As he bends down to catch a breath I take my chance and disappear into the dark corridor, this is gonna be fun.

Water droplets echo as they fall from all sides but except from that there's no noise-

"Oh go literally fuck yourself"

Scratch that, there's definitely someone here. I press myself against a corner and peek my head out slightly. Six guys, guns, one man on the floor ....Max. They start kicking him all at once but not a sound comes out of him.

They all stop to catch their breaths from kicking him but Max doesn't move. No no Max please move dammit. It feels like hours have past and still no movement but then suddenly he jolts awake gasping for air and I let out a relief of breath.

My turn.

I walk out from the only source of cover I had pointing my gun at the one motherfucker who's just lifted his leg for another kick but sadly for him you cant really move much when there's a hole in your brain. His body drops near Max and all heads spin to me.

"So sorry did I interrupt?" I smirk raising my gun again and one by one their lifeless body circle around Max. The smell of pure gunpowder overtakes the stench of the rotten walls, swinging my gun to the side I sprint through the bodies to Max whose now not breathing.

"Don't you fucking dare Max!" I begin CPR, then mouth to mouth but his beat up body stays still. Tears threaten to escape and I slowly begin to panic that he might not-no! I slam into his chest repeatedly until my hands start pulsing.

He sucks in a raspy breath and I too begin to breath "fuck you Max, fuck you a thousand times over" his eyes flutter open and slowly they land on me.

"Mia?" it's barely even a whisper but I still hear him.

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