The Nutcracker

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Riley POV

Gym, for lack of a better word, blows. Because I'm an athlete, I am naturally a good runner and have a lot of muscle.

But for any other sport besides swim, I suck at.

Today we were playing indoor soccer and by some sick joke, my teacher put me in as goalie.

It's safe to say my team is not doing so well. And they were all sending me death glares.

Drama kings. It's just gym class.

"That's it! Cooper, get out of there. We're trading spots!" I sighed in relief and stepped out of the goal net thingy and trade spots with Josh.

Grant came over and gave me one of those bro pat on the back things. "Dude, in any other circumstance I would defend you, but you're really bad at this. And Josh is a pretty good player. Just...try and kick the ball if it comes near you okay?"

Okay, I shall try harder. Just for Grant. 

The game started up again with Josh as our goalie and suddenly, the ball rolled next to me. I looked up to see one of the guys on the other team pass it to me. 

"Here, we're gonna win anyways." Anger fueled through me as I took in his words. We'll see about that, jerk!

I took off running then, kicking the ball lightly to keep it under my control. Every guy I passed had the same dumbfound expression on their face, that is, until I was just a few yards from the goal. 

Then they sprang into action. 

A few tried to block me but I just elbowed them out of the way like a madman and kept dribbling like my life depended on it. 

I could hear the cheers of my teammates in the background, but I was too focused to acknowledge it. 

Just a few more feet. 

I threw my leg back and kicked the ball, sending it flying...into the goalie's crotch. 

"Oh, hell!" he screamed as he crouched down holding his family jewels. I stood there motionless, not sure which emotion I wanted to represent more: remorse or amusement. 

I went with amusement and burst out laughing. Everyone soon joined in, even the red-faced most likely now sterile goalie. "Damn dude, you busted up my balls."

This for some reason made me laugh harder until I had tears running down my face and I was clutching my stomach on the astro-turf.

From that day on, I was know as The Nutcracker on campus. 

* * *

As soon as the last bell of the day rang, my phone buzzed with a text message. 

Call me, ugly

I rolled my eyes and dialed Kyle's number. "Ugly."

"What?" I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway.

"You told me to call you ugly." 

"This is no time for jokes! I have good news."

"Okay, shoot." I was being careful to speak in my Rob voice because I was still on school grounds. And since I'm officially popular, or rather Rob is, ears are everywhere too.

"Mom and Dad are going out of town." 

"Yes!" I threw my fist up like in the ending of The Breakfast Club movie and singing in my head "Don't you, forget about me."

I guess I didn't do it in my head because I got funny looks from everyone around me.

"So that means you can spend the night on campus. But come home tonight since they wanna say goodbye and all that mushy crap."

I rolled my eyes again. He's such a family guy, you know? "Kay, I'll be there."

* * * 

I let a huge burst of air out as my mom squeezed me. Or I mean, hugged me. I awkwardly patted her back as she murmured how much she was going to miss me. 

"Mom, it's just a few days. You'll be home in no time."  

"But it's a whole week! Oh Alex, are you sure they'll be alright here by themselves?" Please say yes, please say yes.

"Of course they will. You guys know the rules. No house parties, no drinking, no drugs, and no boys."

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips, "Father! I never thought of you as a sexist!" He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a hug. "I'm not a sexist, I'm a dad." 

As soon as the door was closed behind my parents, Kyle turned to me with a wicked grin identical to mine. Together we screamed, "PARTY!"


Kind of a filler chapter. More drama to come so don't give up on AGTTOS....haha yeah, that's not a good acronym. Anyway, some Zach and Ryder moments to come. Gotta give those two a shot, right?

For those of you who haven't seen the Breakfast Club, you should be ashamed! (Watch the last like 10 seconds of the video on the side to understand what I was talking about earlier!)

Finally, first person to comment gets a dedication! Spread that Wattpad love, y'all! :)

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