It's Complicated...

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Kyle POV

Dinners have been extremely quiet without Riley around. And I could tell our parents were starting to miss her.

Tonight it seemed like they were just pushing their food around their plates. Whatever, more for me, I thought as I took another giant bite.

"So...when does Riley come home from that field trip again?" my mom asked to no one in particular.

I felt myself start to sweat a little. Oh god, it took them long enough to start questioning.

"I'm not sure. I think the permission slip said the twenty-fifth." my dad answered in a distracted tone.

Shit, he actually read it. The original plan was for her to stay there a week but Riley is unsurprisingly a terrible detective and she says she needs more time.

"The twenty-fifth?" my mom asked as I shrunk deeper into the chair. "Alex, the twenty-fifth was last Friday."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, my parents sprang into action. My eyes widened when Dad told my mom to call the cops.

"Whoa!" I jumped out of my chair to tackle the phone away from my mom. "You guys are overreacting!"

"What?! Your sister's been gone for two days and that's all you say? Aren't you at all worried?!"

Crap, think Kyle, think! "Um no," I forced my body to relax and allow a bemused smile on my face. "Riley was home on Friday. She came to get some more clothes and went to sleep over at some friend's house."

My parents visibly relaxed. "Oh, but why didn't she stay for dinner? We haven't seen our baby in a whole week!"

"Yes, I agree with your mother. Call her right now. Tell her to come home, it's a school night."

I swear all the blood drained from my face. "Guys, we don't have school tomorrow. Just leave her. She can come home tomorrow."

Actually, I wasn't lying. We had Monday off. But I think Riley's school didn't.

"Well, alright. But still call her to check up."

"Oh, I miss her!" my mom said as she reached for the home phone again, "I haven't heard her voice in a week!"

I slumped down on the chair and continued eating. Riley could handle a phone call, right?

Riley POV

The theme song for those scary Halloween movies rang from my phone and I instantly dove for my phone. "Be back, guys."

I walked away from the group of swim guys and answered the phone. "Mommy!"

Her warm voice filled the speaker as she greeted me, "Hi, sweetie. How was the field trip?"

"Amazing, mom! you have no idea!"

"Well, Kyle told us your back in town and staying with a friend tonight."

"Erm yeah, I sure am!" Oh, crap. I sounded really jumpy.

"Make sure to come home tomorrow night. Your father and I missed you!" I swear my heart stopped.

"Ah, sure mom! Now, I gotta go! We're watching a movie."

"Have fun, baby. I'll see you tomorrow night." I clicked off and leaned back on the wall for support.

Oh, shit. This just got ten times more complicated.

* * *

The next morning I went to class like normal. I sat anxiously for six hours trying to relax.

It was just my parents, sheesh.

When the last bell rang, I ran into the parking lot and dashed off campus. In record time, I made it to Abby's house.

"Hey girl!" she smiled at me when I walked in.

"Hi, Abbsters. Let's hurry and turn me into Riley. My parents are due home any minute."

Abby removed all the guy makeup and simply added some mascara and lip gloss. I looked more like myself then I have in a whole week.

While Abby worked on my short locks, I sat there going over my alibi.

I came home Friday from my week-long trip in the East with the varsity swim team to train with a new coach. Abby and I spent the weekend together. Okay, I think I got it now.

Once Abby finished my hair, I quickly changed out of my Rob attire and jumped into a pair of PINK yoga pants and a white tee.

I slipped on my flip flops and threw on my Varsity jacket before picking up the purple duffle bag Abby is letting me borrow.

"Okay, I'm off to go see my parents!" I gave Abby a kiss on the cheek and accepted her good luck wished.

Yeah, I was gonna need 'em.

* * *

"Riley?!" My mom and dad both exclaimed when they saw me.

"Hey guys!" I hugged them both tight and ignored their incredulous looks.

"What happened to your hair?!"

I shrugged, "I wanted a change."

"Well, you know you look beautiful all the time, sweetie." I smiled at my dad's compliment and stepped back.

"I'm starving! Let's eat."

I stuffed my face with pizza to avoid most questions. But of course my mother demanded to see pictures.

I smiled and pulled out my camera that was already loaded with tons of photoshoped shots done by Kyle.

"You met with Nathan Adrian?!?!" my mom shouted and held up a picture of me posing with the hot Olympic swimmer.

I shot Kyle a glare before nodding. "Crazy, I know right?"

Kyle held back his laugher as my mom asked questions about Nathan.

His smile quickly turned into a scowl when I kicked him under the table.

Thought so, buddy.

* * *

The rest of the week had me running back and forth between town and the academy. I would go home in the afternoon every day, pretending to be tired after made-up swim practices, and sneak off in the mornings to make it to class on time.

I had no time for fun or investigating, and honestly, I was getting pretty tired of it. I thought about quiting once or twice, but Kyle always convinced me otherwise.

And anyway, having Grant in class made a compeling arguement.

Tonight was the night of the carnival, and I was super ready for it. The plan was that Rob was going home for the weekend so that Riley can come out and play.

I had told Stacy about Josh's crush on her and she'd been totally excited for the weekend to come. So I was going to her house after class to "sexy up".

Ready or not, here we come.


Carnival chapter soon to come! :P

P.S: Sorry for the grammar mistakes! I published on my phone!

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