Chapter 22- Blood Red

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Sooo, a looot has happened in the past two hours.

What should I begin with? Fighting stubborn snake-humans with amnesia? Or touring the sewer system in the underground of the underground world? Or shooing off a swarm of giant hornets who apparently somehow lived under the ground?

Anyways, I guess you got what kind of stuff I was referring to. These stunts were performed by professional amateurs who just recently got to know about the fact that creatures like monsters exist in search of my very precious Aunt Nagini. For your information, we found her hidden in a small tunnel in a sewer, gotta say it, Daeva had a weird taste of secret places.

“That woman Daeva sure was pretty as hell but man did she have a weird obsession with gross things. Like just look at where she hid her. Could’ve found a better and more aesthetic place in this dark thing of a place.” Leo rolled his eyes.

“Boy you for real read my mind.” I said.

“I love reading hot things.” He replied.

“Ah you flirty human.” I said.

“Learn something from Leo, Eric!” Roselle said.

“I don’t need to be flirty to win your heart though!” Eric replied.

“You should aim for the grand prize not just a small victory—Oh look Aunt’s awake!”  Roselle said and my attention turned to Aunt Nagini.

“A—Aiden? What are you doing here?” Aunt asked.

And here we started with our recap of whateve the hell happened in the past few… idk how much time was it? It sure felt like an eternity. Oh yes, we did skip the part about Eric because it wasn’t clear to us either.

“Oh Aiden! Why did you have to join the Clandestine Six? No, I’m really proud about you being a part of the heirs but… it is too dangerous.” Aunt said.

“Don’t worry, I’m loving it her! As for it being dangerous, taking up risky jobs is my hobby you know.” I spoke.

“Umm, you guys, really sorry to interrupt but uhm I think we really need to hurry up and get out of here now.” Jane said.

“So does anyone here know anything about getting to wherever-we-need-to-go quickly?” Mark asked. And there went Eric’s hand up in the air.

“I… kind of have some connections in the Land of Leviathans.” Eric said slowly knowing w\very well what’s gonna come next

“You have connections… WHERE?” Roselle asked.

“I mean now that you know my past.. Isn’t it kind of possible that I’ll have friends in these places?” He replied.

“You sound like a total cute monster!” She exclaimed.

“Agreed that I’m cute but the monster part… actually I gotta agree with that too. Anyways, you guys wanna try out my connection or would you prefer a less-monstrous way?” He asked.

“Better way please?” Ace asked.

“No, I prefer the monster one.” Miri said.

“Yes yes ofcourse! If Bel Fiore wats it, it has to be the best way out of it!” Ace exclaimed.

“Ohh you two really need to date.” Rosé spoke.

“Yes date date date!” All of us started to chant because why not?

“Ah shut up! What are you guys even saying?!” Miri shouted.

“But… aren’t they kind of right?” Ace asked. Miri turned to look at him, she locked eyes with him and started to walk towards him, closer and closer. Ace tensed up and froze right where he stood while Miri got even closer to him to the point there was barely any space left between them.

The Clandestine Six- The DenouementWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu