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-Alright people. Time for some old fashioned Truth or Dare! There's no escaping it., said the boy, grabbing a boy by the arm as he tried to walk out of the room.

Emily did not like that game. Neither did Sofia. She felt anxious and looked down at her drink, hoping she would somehow turn invisible.

-Okay, who wants to start?, asked Gary, scanning the room.

Emily made sure to give him a little glare so he wouldn't pick her, which worked.

-Ohhhh, you're playing truth or dare? Oh, I'm joining., said Justin walking in the living room.

Emily clenched her jaw, taking Olivia's hand in her and intertwining their fingers. Olivia looked at Emily then back at Gary. She did not like where this was going.

-Okay, you know what? Truth or dare Justin?, asked Gary.

-Truth., smirked Justin.

-Is it true that you've been arrested due to stalking?, asked the other boy.

Justin frowned and looked at Gary.

-What the fuck? No, that's not true., replied the boy harshly.

-Not yet., shrugged Gary and winked at Olivia with a little smile.

-Okay, truth or dare...Emily., said the boy.

Emily looked at him, unfazed by it.

-Truth., replied Emily, not thinking twice.

-How's Olivia in bed?, smirked the boy.

At first Emily wanted to jump on him and choke that little bitch, but then she decided for something that would make him angrier. She turned to Olivia with a smirk.

-Oh, she's a beast., said Emily, leaning in and kissing her girlfriend.

Olivia played along and kissed her back. Justin clenched his jaw and his hand turned into a fist.

-Okay, enough. We get it., said the boy.

Emily pulled away from Olivia who was smiling at the angry reaction that they got out of it.

-Okay then. Truth or dare Anne., smirked Emily as she saw the blonde girl walk in with a drink.

-Oh no, no. I'm not playing., chuckled the girl.

-You're in this room, so you're playing. Now choose., replied Gary with a chuckle.

-Okay, fine. Dare., said Anne while rolling her eyes. 

-Well, I dare you to...take a shot, every time Sofia says the word "blue" throughout the entire evening., smirked Emily.

-Who's Sofia?, asked Anne, confused.

-Me., said Sofia shyly, looking up at Anne.

-Oh. The sweet girl. Okay, that sounds like fun., smiled the blonde girl.

-Blue., said Sofia, wanting to see if the girl was really up to the challenge.

Anne raised an eyebrow, grabbed a shot and drank it, keeping the eye contact with Sofia. The brunette couldn't help but let a small smile appear.

-Okay, your turn to choose someone., said Emily to Anne.

-Well, truth or dare Olivia., smirked Anne.

-Hey, come on. Really?, sighed Olivia.

-Yes, really. Truth or dare?, repeated Anne.

-Okay, fine. Dare., shrugged the brunette nonchalantly.

-I dare you to sit on your girlfriend's lap until we stop playing this game., chuckled Anne as she could see through Olivia's act and recognize that she was actually anxious.

Olivia let out a breath she didn't know she was holding back. She nodded and got on Emily's lap, placing Emily's jacket back on her own lap once again, to cover up a little. She could feel Justin's eyes on her.

-Justin. Turth or dare., said Olivia without a moment of hesitation.

-Dare., replied the boy, not really thinking much of it.

-I dare you to tell everyone what you did and tried to do., said the brunette confidently.

-What?, frowned Justin.

-Yeah, tell everyone how you broke into a house to get to me. How you tried to force me into dating you. How you've been stalking me for the past few weeks. How you showed up in the girls' bathroom and once again, tried to get me to date you. Honestly, I don't get it. How desperate are you? It's sad., said Olivia, not taking her eyes off Justin as she heard some gasps and chuckles from the people listening.

-I...You're lying! Shut up! I'm gonna kill you!, said Justin putting his drink down.

-Oh, yes. You also tried to kill me a few times. Thanks for the reminder., said Olivia, unfazed.

-Shut it you little spoiled bitch!, yelled Justin, now rushing towards Olivia.

Gary grabbed him by his hood from his hoodie and pulled him back.

-Get out of my house. If I see you here again, I'll call the cops. You weren't invited but I let it slide because I didn't think that you'd have the balls to make a scene. But here we are. So get out. Thank you. Bye., said Gary, making his way to the front door still holding Justin and pushing him out of the house.

Gary slammed the door and walked back to the doors.

-Sorry about that. I should have done that the second he showed up., said Gary.

-It's okay., said Olivia. 

She looked at Emily who had her jaw clenched and her body tense. She pecked her forehead.

-Calm down., whispered Olivia.

-Blue., said Sofia out of the blue, making everyone laugh.

-Wha-, started Anne.

-You heard her. Take a shot., chuckled Gary.

-Oh come on, she only wants to get me drunk., said Anne, looking at Sofia and winking.

-Perhaps?, said Sofia, not knowing where that confidence was coming from.

Anne chuckled and did as told, taking a shot without hesitation. She smiled at Sofia, who looked down at her drink, avoiding Anne's glance.

-Okay, I think it's time to stop this game., chuckled Gary as he grabbed Justin's drink that he left behind and walked away.

Emily looked at Olivia.

-Are you okay?, asked the brunette.

-Yes. I'm proud of you for staying calm and not getting aggressive towards him, Em., smiled Olivia, pecking her lips.

-Alright, I'm gonna leave you guys to it., said Sofia getting up.

-Well, you're welcome to join me., smirked Anne.

-No. Sorry, not interested. I'm going home., replied Sofia leaving the house. 

She walks alone to her car and opens the door. She got in and sighed.

-Why did I come here?, whispered Sofia to herself, looking at Gary's house.

She rolled her eyes and she then closed the door and started the car, not driving off yet. But then she heard a noise and gasped.

-Hi there. You and I are gonna take a little ride., whispered Justin from the backseat while pressing his gun against Sofia's head.

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