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Emily woke up at 7am, immediately turning off her morning alarm, wanting Olivia to get some more sleep. Emily liked waking up early. It was so calm. Peaceful and quiet. After turning her phone off, she turned back around, facing Olivia who seemed really close to her. The younger girl didn't move, just looking at her best friend's perfect face. Soft skin, soft lips, cute nose and beautiful hair. She shrugged those thoughts away, turning around to get up, but Olivia put her arm around Emily before she even had the opportunity to get out of bed. Emily didn't move, not knowing if Olivia was awake or not. She heard her move and suddenly felt her snuggle against her.

-You're warm., mumbled Olivia with a tiny voice.

-Liv?, said Emily not really knowing what to do or how to react.

-Hm? Oh! Sorry, I don't know why- I just- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just like having you close to me., rambled the older girl suddenly seeming fully awake and aware of her surroundings.

-It's okay. You can let me go now., chuckled Emily.

-Yes. Right. Or you could stay in bed with me and we could cuddle?, suggested Olivia still having her arm around Emily's body.

-Do you even know me?, joked the younger girl.

-Yeah, yeah. Miss big tough girl, I get it. But I am sure there's a big softie underneath all of that., sighed Olivia finally pulling her arm back.

-You're the soft one in this friendship., scoffed Emily getting up and walking to her closet.

-Yeah. But you did hug me back yesterday. You don't do that often., smiled Olivia sitting up watching her from the bed.

-You needed comfort. I may not feel some things, but I'm still a human, not a lifeless emotionless robot., replied Emily opening her closet and looking for some clothes.

-Birth certificate?, joked the older girl.

-Oh come on. I am not a robot., scoffed Emily.

-Prove it., joked Olivia.

-If I were a robot, I would definitely built in laser eyes., explained the younger girl turning around to look at Olivia.

-Yeah. True. I guess that enough evidence. For now., smiled the other brunette.

-Good., chuckled Emily turning back around to face the closet, taking her pajamas' top off, grabbing a baggy hoodie.

-How can you already wear hoodies? We're in September, the weather is still pretty decent., chuckled Olivia still looking at Emily's toned back.

-Hoodies are comfy and go with every style. Don't judge me., replied Emily turning back around as she pulled her hoodie down, giving Olivia a quick second to glance at her abs.

-Yeah, yeah. Whatever. We have P.E. today, right?, wondered the older girl.

-Yes, why?, frowned Emily grabbing a pair of pants.

-Oh nothing. I won't participate, that's all., smiled Olivia.

-Why not? Are you hurt? Did something happen?, asked Emily quickly.

-Woah there. Calm down with the questions. I'm not hurt, I just don't have the energy to play dodgeball., chuckled Olivia as Emily sat down on the edge of the bed taking her pajamas pants off and putting her black pants on. 

-Okay, okay., nodded Emily focused on dressing up in front of her best friend without blushing.

-I like seeing you without a beanie., smiled Olivia.

-I don't., shrugged the younger girl getting up and putting some chains on her pants and putting socks on that go with the outfit.

-Grumpy., joked the older girl.

-Fuck you., said Emily turning around seeing her best friend smiling.

Olivia looked down still smiling but hiding it with her hair.

-What?, frowned Emily.

-I'm just so glad that I met you., smiled the other brunette softly.

-You're way too cheesy and it's way too early for that., said the younger girl scrunching her nose.

-But you love it!, exclaimed Olivia.

-Keep dreaming., scoffed Emily getting up, but Olivia pulled her back, making her fall on her back, so Olivia started tickling her.

-Hey, stop that., groaned Emily.

-Nope., smirked Olivia as she kept going.

-Liv., said the younger girl with a slight warning tone.

-Oh come on, don't talk to me like that., scoffed the older girl.

-Whatever., said Emily rolling her eyes.

Emily pushed Olivia gently away and got up.

-Get dressed. We're leaving in 10 minutes. I'm gonna go brush my teeth., said the younger brunette.

-Okay, mom., said Olivia sticking her tongue out making Emily roll her eyes yet again, but hide a smile once she turned around to walk away.

Olivia got up, going to Emily's closet. She saw some of her own clothes, grabbed one of her favorite pants and changed into them. She didn't know what to wear as a top. Suddenly, her eyes wandered up to Emily's clothes. Her hoodies did look extremely comfy. And they probably smelled like her. The younger brunette grabbed one of her hoodies, and could smell her best friend's scent, making her smile. She changed into it, it feeling like a big hug from Emily. She adored her best friend but sometimes she wished Emily would make some efforts to show her some affection. As friends of course. Or not. Olivia had come out at school as bisexual a few months ago and everyone supported her. Of course there were always the mean girls, because what is a school without mean girls/bullies? But she didn't know about Emily. She changed since she came out. She got even more distant. Was she biphobic? Does she think that Olivia is gross?

 She closed Emily's closet and grabbed her shoes. Emily came back frowning as she saw Olivia wearing her hoodie.

-Is it okay if I borrow this?, asked Olivia shyly.

-Uh yeah. Yeah, it's cool., nodded the brunette.

-I don't have my backpack-, started the older girl but she got interrupted.

-I have it. Your dad dropped it on her way to her job. He was worried that you left without telling him. He thanked me for taking care of you which was weird., frowned Emily as she explained it to her best friend.

-Oh. Okay. Then let's go to school. Are we taking your car or mine?, asked the older girl.

-I'm driving., said Emily showing her the keys.

-Okay, mom., joked Olivia.

-Stop calling me that., sighed the younger girl.

-Okay, okay. Do you prefer sweetheart?, smirked the other brunette.


A/N: hiiiiii, I'm so excited to write this story xoxo

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