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-Yeah...About that, I've been thinking and...would you consider consulting a psychologist?, wondered Emily nervously.

-What?, frowned Olivia surprised.

-Don't get mad. I'm just suggesting. It could help you., continued the younger girl cautiously.

-Do you...do you think that there's something wrong with me?, wondered the other brunette.

-What? No, of course not! Liv, going to a psychologist does not mean that something is wrong with you. I know many people who went to psychologist simply to let some things off their shoulders and get help to understand, process and control their emotions. It's an outlet, Liv. But it does not mean that something is wrong with you. I've been to a psy, it helped me a lot., admitted Emily.

-You? When?, asked Olivia.

-Remember four years ago? When my mood swings were extremely bad? I didn't show up at school for a whole week. I had run away from home, because I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Your dad found me by the park. I made him promise not to tell you. We lied to everyone, including you. We said that my aunt from Sweden had died and that I was mourning. After that, I went to a psychologist. I was feeling like a monster who loves to say hurtful things. She made me understand that I couldn't control my emotions. She showed me ways to handle my feelings and not to act on them. Talking really help, Liv. So, if you decide that you do want to consult a psychologist, you know that you'll have my full support and that I'll be there with you through every step., said the younger brunette.

-You...You could have told me., replied Olivia.

-I know. But I was scared of scaring you away with my issues. And you had already a lot on your plate., admitted Emily.

-Okay...Well, I'll think about., nodded the older brunette.

-Okay, great. And no pressure. Whenever you're ready., replied the other girl.

-Thank you, Em., smiled Olivia.

-Oh and by the way, Principal Anastasia sent me an email that we should go to her office before school tomorrow, so we'll have to go earlier., explained the younger girl.

-Did she say why?, frowned Olivia looking down nervously.

-Hey, babe, she's probably just gonna let us know what we missed and how we can catch up with the programs. It'll be okay., said Emily putting her hand on Olivia's cheek, caressing it gently with her thumb.

-Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right., nodded the older brunette looking up at Emily.

-Are you nervous about going back to school?, wondered the other girl.

-Yes. I mean, first there's the whole drama with my dad being in hospital and my mom being a psycho, and then, well, there's us. People don't know about us yet and Anne did warn us that Tyler has been telling people that me and him are an item, so we'll have to deal with that situation. I'll have to deal with that situation., rambled Olivia pulling away from Emily's touch and sitting down on the bed.

-Or you can let me beat his ass up?, suggested Emily sitting down next to her.

-I'd love that, but no. I'll talk to him. Alone. Please., replied the older brunette.

-Okay, okay. But if he causes any trouble, I'll break his nose. Just saying. That way his clown ass will finally get a red nose., joked the other girl.

-You're an idiot, Emily Quinn., chuckled Olivia looking at her girlfriend.

-Yup, but I am your idiot, Olivia Isabel Rodrigo., smiled Emily.

-God., cringed the older girl as she heard her middle name.

-Come here, love., chuckled the younger girl, leaning in and kissing her girlfriend softly.

Olivia smiled into the kiss and moving her hand up to Emily's cheek.

-Hey girls!, yelled the mother as she walked in without a warning.

Emily startled and fell off the bed, while Olivia just looked surprised.

-Mom! Knocking is still a thing!, argued Emily from the floor while her girlfriend couldn't help but laugh.

-Oh what's so funny to you?, pouted the younger girl.

-You falling off your bed. That's what's funny., giggled Olivia.

Emily smirked and pulled her off the bed by her leg, making her fall on Emily.

-Welcome to the floor., chuckled the younger girl.

-Well then. I was just wondering if you girls wanted to watch the X factor with us? Dad is making some popcorn., said Vanessa.

Emily looked at Olivia, letting her decide.

-Well, uhm, we have school tomorrow and it's our first day back, and even if we're only going for one day because tomorrow is Friday, we should probably rest. Plus, we have the meeting with Principal Anastasia in the morning before school. So yeah., shrugged Olivia.

-Well alright then. Let us know if you need anything. We will be in the living room, judging people., smiled the woman, closing the door.

Olivia turned back to Emily.

-Where were we?, smirked the older brunette.

-Wha-, tried Emily but Olivia basically jumped on her and kisses her.

Yes, they were still on the floor. But they obviously did not care. Emily kissed, running her fingers through Olivia's brown hair, making the girlfriend smile into the kiss. They only parted once they needed to breathe but continued right after. Emily eventually pulled away.

-Hey, uhm, should we close the door? I mean like, should we look it?, asked the younger brunette.

-I don't really feel like doing it, knowing that your parents are 2 minutes away., admitted Olivia shyly.

-Hm? Oh! No, no my love. I just meant that my mom is probably come back some time soon and she'll find us in this position. I just don't want that awkward moment, you know? But it's fine if you wanna stop right now Liv., rambled Emily leaning herself on her elbows.

-We rather stop here. Let's just go to sleep or like watch a movie., suggested the older girl.

-Sounds like a plan., smiled Emily.

Tomorrow; school.

————————————————————————— A/N: hellooooooo, i just wanna say thank you to all of you for the amazing support and interest you have shown

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