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The first few games went by fast, Emily's team winning every time. The third was more intense as Anne's team was determined to win. Emily's team managed to eliminate some of the opposite team but a lot of her own team got eliminated, until there was only Anne, Chelsea and another girl against Emily and Olivia. Emily caught a ball that the other girl threw, eliminating her immediately. 2 vs 2. Chelsea got a ball, throwing it hard to Olivia's head direction, but Emily stopped the ball, so she got hit by another ball that Anne had thrown. Olivia used the ball Emily had caught to eliminate Chelsea, leaving Olivia against Anne.

-This is going to be interesting., whispered Emily to herself. 

Olivia had a ball in her hands and so did Anne. Who would do the first move? Olivia pretended to throw the ball, by moving her arm but not letting go of the ball, so Anne instinctively ducked. The brunette took the opportunity to throw the ball, hitting Anne's knee.

-Team Emily wins! Again!, said the coach. 

Olivia walked up to Anne who was sitting on the floor, defeated. She reached down for her and helped her up.

-Well played., said the brunette.

-Thanks. You too., smiled the blonde girl.

-I'm sorry for earlier., apologized Olivia looking down.

-Don't worry. I get it now., shrugged Anne.

-What do you mean?, frowned the other teenager.

-You're crushing on Emily and you felt like I was going to steal her, just like she thought your ex would steal you from her. She obviously likes you., explained Anne.

-No, she doesn't. And I'm not crushing on her., replied Olivia.

-Okay, okay., said the blonde girl giving up.

Emily walked up to them.

-Nice game., said the brunette.

-You're really good at the game., smiled Anne.

-Sports are my thing., shrugged Emily.

-Everything is her thing. She play guitar, she is smart and knows literally the answer to any math question. She's good at everything, I am telling you., replied Olivia.

-That's not true., disagreed Emily shaking her head no.

-Oh yeah? What can't you do?, wondered the other brunette.

-Control my mood swings., replied the younger girl.

-You...Did you really just- Okay then. We gotta go, you gotta put your normal clothes on and I have to go to my history class., said Olivia as she walked away from the other two girls.

-Mood swings?, frowned Anne, not understanding.

-Yeah, it's when your mood changes suddenly, sometimes for no reason. Like, I can be calm and happy one second and then the next second you feel like punching a wall or cry for no reason., explained Emily as she stumbled upon her words.

-Oh, I get it. You have that?, asked the blonde girl.

-Yeah, I do. Sometimes I can control them, but at times I can't and then I say hurtful things without meaning to., shrugged the brunette walking back to the girls' locker room, which was already empty.

-So you say hurtful things but you don't do anything to hurt someone?, wondered Anne.

-What do you mean?, frowned Emily grabbing her clothes.

-You hurt them with words, not with uh, your fists? Like, you're not physical?, tried the blonde girl, not knowing how to form the sentence.

-Ohhh, no. I mean, sometimes, but never to people I care about. I mean, rude people, yeah, but not others., replied Emily taking her t-shirt off.

Anne's eyes unintentionally wandered immediately to her exposed body, shaking her head and looking away.

-It's okay., said Emily softly.

-I shouldn't. It's wrong. I'm sorry., apologized the blonde girl looking down.

Emily sighed and put her hand under Anne's chin, making her look up.

-It's okay., repeated the brunette.

Emily's eyes glanced at Anne's lips, making the blonde girl blush. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, her hand wandering to her cheek and caressing it lightly. Anne kissed back, but pulled away quickly.

-We shouldn't be doing this., whispered the blonde girl.

-We can skip class, I don't care., replied Emily.

-No, that's not what I meant., said Anne.

-Then what did you mean?, frowned Emily her hand still on Anne's cheek.

-It's wrong., tried the smaller girl.

-Cause we only met like 4 hours ago?, wondered the brunette.

-No., replied Anne.

-Then what is it?, frowned Emily not understanding.

-You love her, Emily., said the blonde girl.

-What?, replied the taller girl not getting it.

-You, Emily, are in love with your best friend, Olivia. I see the way you look at her. I see the way you care about her and I saw how jealous you got when her ex kissed her cheek. A friend does not react that way. You love her., explained Anne.

-No, I don't., denied the brunette.

-Yes, you do., repeated the other girl.

-Then why would I want to kiss you?, asked Emily.

-Because you don't want to love her. You don't want to acknowledge your feelings for her. You are scared of what could happen. So you want to kiss me, to forget her., replied Anne.

-That's not true., tried Emily.

-Then prove it., said the blonde girl.

-How?, frowned the taller girl.

-I don't know., shrugged Anne.

Emily thought for a second and then put her arms around Anne's waist, pulling her closer. 

-I don't love her., whispered the brunette as she leaned down to kiss Anne yet again.

Anne didn't find the energy or will to stop Emily, wanting to feel her lips again. So she kissed back. Emily eventually pulled away.

-You should put your hoodie on before you catch a cold., said Anne randomly.

-But, don't you like what you see?, teased the brunette.

-Oh shut up., replied Anne.

They both changed their clothes quickly, running late for their classes.

-What class do you have now?, asked the brunette.

-Uhh, art., replied Anne looking at her schedule.

-Me too. Let's just tell Miss Rachel that I had to show you the way to the bathroom and then to the classroom., suggested Emily.

-Sounds good., smiled the blonde girl.

-One last kiss before we go in?, asked the brunette.

Anne smiled and blushed lightly, leaning up, standing on her tip-toes and kissing her softly. Yet, neither of the two teenage girls were aware that they were not alone in the hallway, seeing all of it.

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Dear Best Friend// Olivia Rodrigo x EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now