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-Okay, okay. Do you prefer sweetheart?, smirked the other brunette.

-Sometimes I just want to throw you out the window. But then I remember, I need you so that I can copy your math homework., said Emily with no emotion.

-You're one of the smartest people I know, but you're just too lazy to even do your homework that you would probably finish in less than 10 minutes., scoffed Olivia.

-Yes. That was totally the point I wanted to make., nodded Emily sarcastically.

-Nah, I'm just ignoring your statement to protect this things that humans have called heart. Something you don't have., smiled Olivia walking past her and going outside to Emily's car.

-I have a heart!, replied Emily as she locked her house's door.

-I know. And I know that deep down, you taking me in at the middle of the night without asking any questions is your way of showing affection to me. But I could use a hug sometimes., said the older girl as she got in the car.

-You know that that ain't my thing., sighed Emily as she got in the driver's seat.

-Yeah. I'm aware., said Olivia looking out the window when her best friend started the car.

-Are you mad at me?, frowned Emily her voice hiding the concern pretty well.

-No, no. I'm just tired. A lot of things going on. I have too much on my mind., sighed Olivia.

-You can talk to me, you know?, said the younger girl as she started the car.

-Yeah. I know. But I don't want to bother you., shrugged the other brunette.

-You would never bother me. I'm your best friend, I'm here for you., said Emily, her eyes on the road but slowly moving her hand to Olivia's and holding it gently.

Olivia surprised by it, tried to not act on it and just slowly turn her head, smiling slightly.

-Thank you, Em. I don't know what I would do without you as my best friend., smiled Olivia.

At the words "Best friend", Emily took her hand back and focused on the road.

-So, what's going on?, asked the younger girl clearing her voice.

-My parents. My mom kept yelling yesterday and she was so angry. I could have sworn she would have killed someone if she could. It was so scary. She can get so violent sometimes. Especially with my dad, because she knows that he would never lay his hands on her. She takes advantage of that. Yet he doesn't leave her. He blames it on mental health, so I told him that he should take her to a doctor. He refuses to. He gets hurt. I get hurt. I'm just so tired., explained Olivia looking out the window trying not to break down.

-Wait, wait. You get hurt?, frowned the other brunette.

-Well yeah, emotionally...and she kinda pulled my hair while threatening me with scissors yesterday., said Olivia mumbling the last part.

-She what? Your father might not lay his hands on your mother, but no one can stop me from beating some sense into her., replied Emily seriously.

-Em, stop. You're not going to hurt my mother. I can take this. In a few years, I'll leave them anyways., shrugged the brunette.

-You're staying at my house. For the rest of the week., said the younger girl.

-No, no. I'm going home today., replied Olivia shaking her head no.

-I said, you're staying at my house. I'm not letting you go back there. She's obviously gotten worse and there's no way on earth I'm gonna let you go back to you house., said Emily firmly.

-Okay. Okay. Now stop that., replied the older brunette.

-Stop what?, frowned the younger girl her eyes still on the road.

-You're using your commanding voice, your body is tense and you're clenching your jaw. I get it, you're angry at my mom and my dad, but you don't need to be angry at me., scoffed Olivia.

-I'm not angry at you. I'm...I'm scared for you, Liv. I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt. I'm sorry I react this way. But you know how overprotective I can be., sighed Emily as she parked the car in front of the school.

-Oh no., sighed Olivia.

-What?, worried Emily immediately looking at her best friend who was looking outside.

-Nothing. Let's go., tried the older girl as she opened the door and was about to get out of the car but Emily pulled her back in by her arm.

-Don't lie to me, Liv. Why did you say "Oh no"?, frowned the younger girl.

-Okay, okay. See that blonde dude over there? The one intensely looking at us?, asked the brunette.

-Yeah, Justin Martins. What about him?, frowned the younger brunette.

-I didn't tell you this because I know how fast you can lose your cool but he keeps following me and stalking me., sighed Olivia.

-Why?, wondered Emily.

-I don't know. I just know that I've caught him way too many times looking at me inappropriately. He's creepy. Oh wait, there's Tyler. I'm gonna say hi., said the older girl changing from conversation.

-You're going to say hi to your ex?, cringed the other brunette.

-Oh come on, I only broke up because I lost feelings, he never hurt me. He treated me right., scoffed the older teenager.

-Oh yeah, him talking to his ex that he still loves will totally help him move on from you. Mhm., said Emily sarcastically.

-What's up with you today? You're in a worse mood than usual., frowned Olivia.

-Whatever. See you at P.E. and then back at my car when school's over., shrugged the younger girl.

-I don't think so. I'm not going to your house to support your grumpy ass., scoffed the other brunette.

-Please. I'll leave you alone, but please just come with me. I don't know what's going on with me. But I promise, I'll take you to my house and I'll leave you alone. I just want you to be safe., replied Emily using her softer tone.

-Fine. Only because you're you., sighed Olivia jokingly.

-See you later Liv., said Emily getting out of the car.

-See you later, sweetheart., smirked Olivia closing the door and walking up to Tyler.

Emily scoffed but smiled, walking to the building, entering school. Ew. School.


A/N: this has been in my drafts since 4pm hehe whoops, anways, I hope you enjoy. some more backstory on Olivia

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