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After a few moments, the nurse walked out of the room, which Olivia noticed so she walked up to her.

-Hey. How is he?, wondered the brunette.

-Surprisingly well. He remember what happened, which shows that the knife didn't stroke a nerve that's connected to the brain. However, it means that he can feel the pain. I gave him some painkillers and the doctor will do a full checkup as soon as he arrives. But he's okay. Don't worry. We'll examine him, do a blood test and we'll see how that'll come out., smiled the nurse reassuringly.

-That's great news. Thank you, ma'am., replied Olivia.

-You're welcome. Oh, uhm, I think that your aunt arrived downstairs. She asked if you were here and we said that yes, you were. I think she's sitting in the waiting room by the reception., explained the kind nurse.

-Oh. Okay. Well, thank you for telling me., said the younger girl.

-Don't mention it. Have a good day now., smiled the nurse walking away.

Emily saw her walk away and joined her girlfriend, hugging her from behind.

-What did she say?, wondered the younger brunette.

-He's going to be okay. He's doing surprisingly well, but he can feel the entire pain. Oh and aunt Beck is in the waiting room., replied Olivia pulling away from the hug and turning around facing her girlfriend.

-I swear, if she says some dumb shit again, I will-, tried Emily.

-Babe, calm down. Let's not start anything. He's her brother after all., interrupted the older girl.

-Yeah, so? That doesn't justify what she said to you, Liv. You can't just forget it because she's your dad's sister., frowned the younger brunette.

-I know. I won't forget. But I'll try to forgive. I don't want to start a feud in our family. There's been enough damage already., replied Olivia.

-Forgive her? You can't just forgive her! She didn't even feel bad! She believed in every single word she said., said Emily getting worked.

-Em, calm down., tried the older girl.

-I am calm! I just can't stand homophobic people who use religion as an excuse or cover for their hatred! If you're homophobic, then fucking say it. Don't hide. Fuck that!, yelled the younger brunette.

-Okay, Emily, I'm gonna need you to calm down., said Olivia.

-I am fucking calm, Olivia. I am. But I hate that!, replied Emily her voice still raised.

Olivia sighed, grabbed her girlfriend's hand and walked to a door, opening it and walking inside. It was like a janitor's closet.

-Em, look at me., said Olivia.

-I am calm., replied Emily clenching her jaw.

-Okay. Okay. Listen, I know that it annoys you-, started the older brunette.

-It doesn't only annoy me!, interrupted Emily.

-Hey, I'm talking. You shut up and listen., ordered Olivia raising her voice slightly.

Emily looked at her girlfriend and nodded, so Olivia grabbed her hand, rubbing it with her thumb.

-I know that you hate it, I do. And I hate it too, Em. But she's still family, whether I like it or not. We're gonna see her at birthdays, we're gonna see her at weddings, we're gonna see her at casual family meetings. That's why I don't wanna start any feud. If I could yell at her and never see her again, I would. But it is not that easy. So please, don't start anything. When you feel like you're about to yell or to explode with anger, just hold my hand, like this, and forget her. Think about us. Think about me. Think about anything that makes you happy. If I see that you're angry, I'll find an excuse to walk away. But don't raise your voice. Stay calm. Okay?, said Olivia looking her girlfriend in the eyes.

-Yeah. Yes. I'm sorry., apologized Emily.

-No, don't apologize. I understand why you're mad., smiled the older girl.

-Yeah, but I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. Thank you for calming me down., replied the younger brunette obviously feeling guilty.

-It's okay. I can take it., shrugged Olivia.

-No. No, it's unfair. It's unfair. You have every right to be mad at me. You have every right to yell at me., said Emily shaking her head.

-Em, I know that it was part of a mood swing. Talking about my aunt triggered you. I get it. It's okay., replied the older girl looking her in the eyes to show her that she means it.

-No, it's not okay. It shouldn't be fair. It's wrong. I mean...I just...I love you. I don't want to hurt you. I mean, I would never physically hurt you and you know it, but when I have these...these fucking mood swings, I can't really control it. Sure, sometimes I manage to distract myself and it'll go away, but when something triggers me, like...your aunt, I can't really control myself., sighed Emily looking down.

-Em, when I said yes to being your girlfriend, I said yes to all of you. Including your mood swings. I was very well aware that you can be like that some times. But I am also aware that it's not your fault. Please don't feel guilty. I mean, look, all it took was for me to talk to you and make you understand my point of view and you instantly calmed down. We all have our moments. Whether it's waking up from a nightmare and having a panic attack, or having severe mood swings that cannot be controlled. I love you nonetheless, Emily. I love all sides of you., smiled the older brunette, making her look up at her, putting her hand under Emily's chin.

-Promise?, whispered the younger girl.

-I promise., nodded Olivia.

-Okay. I love you., replied Emily.

-I love you too., smiled the older girl.

-I'm gonna kiss you now., said the other brunette, making Olivia smile.

-Okay., whispered Olivia as Emily leaned in and kissed her.

Olivia's arms moved up, wrapping them around Emily's neck, while Emily's arms went down to Olivia's waist, pulling her closer. The younger brunette then pulled away a few inches.

-We should go check on your father., whispered Emily.

-Yeah, we should., nodded Olivia smiling like a dork.

-Okay., smiled Emily.

-Yup., nodded Olivia but neither of them moved.

The knob then turned.

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