Chapter Twenty Four.

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XXIV.                                            Heartbreak Weather

                                            Heartbreak Weather

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      She felt like a complete failure. Like a horrible person. Since that night in his room, Odessa couldn't find the courage to talk to Robby. Whenever she tried picking up her phone and clicking his name, her heart would jerk her away. She left early that morning, leaving the sleeping boy alone. She was confused. Her heart was pulling her in two different directions. It belonged to Eli. He was her first love. What they had was something no one could replace. But Eli wasn't Eli anymore. He was Hawk. He was in far to deep to come back to who he once way and Odessa really did like Robby.

She hated being a teenage girl.

When she walked into the dojo that morning, she was forced to spot Eli out of everyone in the room. His back was facing her as he talked to Miguel. She quickly walked away before he saw her. She sat on the mat with Tory and Hailey to stretch. Seeing the nerves plastered on her face, Hailey narrowed her eyes. "Why do you look like that?" She blurted out.

Odessa titled her head. "Like what?"

"Like your going to explode."

Tory nodded her head, noticing it as well. "You like you've just seen someone get murdered."

Grayson plopped down beside her, scaring her a little. "I mean, you're beautiful as always but yeah, you look like you walked in on a murder scene." He agreed with them.

"I'm fine. Totally fine. Absolutely," the girl stammered and gave them a nervous thumbs up.

The three still weren't convinced.

She felt a certain pair of eyes on her and the nerves in her stomach increased painfully. She looked over her shoulder to see Hawk looking at her with guilt written all over his face. But she didn't look away and that's what shocked him. She hadn't looked him in the eye since the woods. There was something in her eyes that he couldn't point out but at the moment, he didn't care, because she was looking at him. He missed her looking at him.

"Alright everyone, fall in." Johnny announced when he walked out of his office.

Everyone stood from the mat and got in their lines.

"Today we'll be learning once of the most important lessons a Cobra Kai could ever know,"

"Where's Sensei Kreese?" Hawk voiced, not seeing the other Sensei.

"Mr. Kreese will no longer be joining us." Said Johnny.

Odessa took a step back in shock. People started to whisper.

"I made a promise when I became your Sensei. To always look out for your best interest. Despite how hard this may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interest at heart," Johnny continued and his tone was sad. "John Kreese may have founded Cobra Kai but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. His Cobra Kai was old and outdated. He refused to move forward. What happens when we do that, Mr. Diaz?" He asked Miguel.

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