Part 24

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You inhaled deeply, savouring his embrace, this moment as Lucas slept next to you and whispered into the dark "I love you too, Lucas"


You stirred as the sun leaked around your curtains as it does moat mornings, you try to shift only to find that Lucas' arm was still firmly around your waist. You assumed he'd already be up as he normally us but the alcohol from last night is obviously taking its toll on him.

You managed to twist to face him, he always looks so peaceful when he sleeps, no worry, no stress, just peaceful.

The single sun strip through the curtains lands across his face and chest, srill bare from last night, highlighting the angels of his face and the contours of his body in a gorgeous golden glow.

In the rare occasion you wake before him you never leave the bed, you always just watch him, study his face and wonder why he chose me. He obviously could have his pick of many women not only with the Bishop name and looks but also with his kindness and how thoughtful he is. Its always the little things he does that bring a smile to your face, like leaving notes if he has to rush off or just doodling on sticky notes and leaving them around each others apartment for your to find, or even remembering the little things. Like how much you hate peppermint because it reminds me if being ill or that when we cook you always like your food slightly saltier than his or that you secretly like to paint but never fully show it off because you don't think you're that good.

A good example was when you were messing around with some small canvases and he took one into his office to put in his desk, you never found out until you surprised him with lunch the other day and saw it, he claimed it was the best thing he's ever seen even though you disagreed and offered to repaint it he always refuses.

You are so lucky, for him to be the way he is. He's the one you want and the one you will always fight for, he is your future and you can only hope that you are his. Your heart swells at the thought, large family or just us 2, you cant wait to share it with him.

You reached out to brush a stray strand of dark hair from his forehead and rested my hand on his cheek, stroking gently. He stirred slightly as he woke, his face creasing with the motion then relaxing as he opened his eyes to see me, he mumbled in his morning voice that you adored "good morning, princess" to which you beamed and replied "good morning, Lucas" and lent forward to press your lips to his.

You would be a very lucky woman to wake up like this for the rest of your days, very lucky and very happy indeed.

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