Part 7

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"Please" he smiled "Call me Lucas" and you looked into familiar eyes.

Holy fuck, you've got to be kidding me!

He took your hand a gave it a firm shake. You couldn't believe the smirk that stared back at you, I'm in so much shit.

"Right! Now that formalities are over with, let's get down to business..." Mr Wilson trailed off, you weren't listening anymore, you were thinking how you were supposed to get yourself out of this shit. God! What a situation to be in!

When you finially managed to zone back in, everyone was just wrapping up the meeting, "Anything to add y/n?" 'Lucas' asked you. Your head snapped up out of your daze you'd been in for the past hour "erm, no, nope, no, nothing to add" you stumbled over the words, anything to get out of this goddamn room. "Okay then, well have another meeting same time in two weeks to go over finial details for the gala on the Friday" Mr Wilson nodded to us all as we all began to file out of the room.

You had never in your LIFE run out of a meeting so quick, anxious to get down the hall so you can just get in the lift and go to your office to have a meltdown.

"My bed not good enough for you?"
"what?" You questioned already too annoyed and honestly still in shock to process the question.
"I thought we had a nice evening but, you left awfully suddenly, no note, no name, no number, nothing. So I'll ask again: my bed not good enough for you, am I not?" That bastard was really going to play the pity game? Fine two can play that game.

You turned from where you had stopped in the hall, a few feet from where he had also stopped. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise I owed you more than one night, my bad I guess" you mustered up as much sarcasm as you could, how dare he!
"Hey! I never said that" he replied frowning angrily
"No? Then what did you mean?"
He seemed lost for words on that one, hmpf too right, "I can't believe you never said anything last night!" You were seething now, livid.
"I didn't actually know who you were you know" he calm, he's too calm and it was irritating.
"You definitely knew the name of whoever you were going to be working with, did you not?" You paused, "of course" he replied
"don't tell me you've never Googled anyone before working with them!" Whisper shouting now are you? Classy y/n, classy.
"Actually, I haven't" he smirked. You were so done with this conversation, you just wanted your meltdown, in your office, alone, not with him, Lucas, and not in a hallway. You turned on your heel to leave him, sooooo done.
"I guess I'll see you in 2 weeks for the meeting then? Unless I, y'know, happen to see you before" he shouted after you, you didn't grant him a response, well, not a verbal one anyway, sowmthing of the single-fingered kind which only made him chuckle and you even more annoyed.

You're going to take your own advice here, what happens when you Google the name Lucas Bishop?

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