Part 21

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He reached around your waist and pulled you in tight as he laid down with you "especially as you'd been so good" you smiled. You held each other as you drifted off as the sun started to rise.

You started to stir as the sun crept into your room through the curtains. You rolled over but found the bed empty, you opened your eyes and sat up looking at the bed only to find a piece of paper in the place where Lucas had been.

Morning beautiful,
You looked so peaceful this morning and after our late night I didn't want to wake you. I had an emergency meeting with ny father this morning so had to run. I'll be back later to pick you up for our date @ 7, I look forward to it

Lucas x

God he was so sweet, guess you had all day to pamper yourself and get ready for tonight. You needed to ring Delilah, you never got around to texting her you got home last night but first, coffee. Yes coffee first, then Delilah.

You wondered into the kitchen and started the kettle while you called her, she licked up straight away "Okay, look, I'm sorry I didn't text last night I-"
"Honestly don't worry about it, as bad as this is going to sound, I didn't notice. I passed out on the bed when I got home and you just woke me up" you laughed at her
"Well, I got distracted anyway but I did get home"
"And let me guess the distraction, Lucas?"
"Well yes, I didn't exactly go home alone"
And you explained it all to her, you tell her everything about you anyway.

By the time you got off the phone with Lilah, you made breakfast, shower change, lunch and get ready for tonight, the day flew pass.

As promised, at 7 sharp Lucas knocked on my door and you opened it to find his standing there with a huge bunch of your favourite flowers "oh Lucas they're beautiful!" You exclaimed as you took them from him
"Not as half as you are"
"Okay Mr Cheesey" smiled at him as he grinned "ill just place them in some water then we can go"

You locked up and you walked downstairs, Lucas told you where he had picked was pretty close so you could walk it "oh, how did the meeting with your dad go?" You ask
"Erm, Okay, I guess. Just very... informative"
"Yeah, he just wants me to start having more of a role so I'll be able to take over smoothly eventually"
"Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah, I love the company and the work we do, it's just the way my dad goes about things sometimes isn't the best"
"Ah, yes. Tell me about it"
"Yours similar?" And you answered, telling him about your dad, and your mum, your brother, friends, hobbies, everything. And he did to you too, all evening until he walked you home and kissed you sweetly on your doorstep.

And that's how you worked, for 5 months. Texts here and there, phone calls at lunch, dinner plans, lunches out; you made time to see each other when you could around your schedules. It was amazing, you can only hope you made him just as happy as he made you.

You stayed at his sometimes and him at mine, he had even managed to sneak a few clothes into your apartment to which you responded to adding a few of yours to his wardrobe

You were out to lunch in autumn at little café near Lucas' company block catching up as you did most days now. "So how's your intern doing on her first day?" Lucas knew you had been dreading it
"Shes okay, I guess." He smirked at you "I mean, I get that everyone has to start somewhere and everything but, the basics interns must know, surely" he laughed at you
"I'm serious, just before I left I had to show her how to print for christ sake! Now I know I'm no tech whiz, but even I can do that!" Lucas was now doubled over, laughing at you and you couldn't help it, you joined in.

When you finially calmed down you asked him "and how has your morning been Mr Bishop?"
"Well, not as eventful as yours-"

"Butter? Is that really you?"

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