Part 8

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You're going to take yout own advice here, what happens when you Google the name Lucas Bishop?

Before sitting down at my desk, you closed the door to make sure you was only going going be interrupted for important news, and you powered up your computer.


Oh my god.

He's the heir to one of the biggest tech companies right now. And you didn't recognise him, at all. No wonder he's the biggest charity donor this year, we've never had anyone this famous donate before. Sure, we've had multiple donors which gives us our large outcome but we've never been able to say "our biggest donor" before. And you may have compromised his donation, no, you couldn't have, he seemed perfectly fine and professional during the meeting.

Shame he wasn't after, yes thank you overthinking brain.

That's it, you need to talk to someone. So you pick up your phone and call Delilah, you need to fill her in on everything.


"LUCAS FUCKING BISHOP!" she shouted down the phone "HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW!?" You pulled the phone away from your ear a bit until you could hear she's done
"Don't act like you knew the whole time, you were just as much in the dark as me"
"Yeah... okay, I'll give you that one"
"What am I supposed to do, pretend like it never happened?"
"Well, yes?"
"I mean, in a professional sense anyway, don't let him affect your work or the charity gala. Which I am still coming to as your plus one by the way"
That did make you smile, even in crisis she can make you smile.
"Of course you still are, you wouldn't expect anything else. But seriously though, it's all well and good being professional around him when when we're, yknow, around other people and actually doing work but you didn't see him after that meeting"
"No I didn't, so, what was he like" you could literally hear she trying not to smile
"I don't know he was..." you let out a breath "cocky, you could tell he enjoyed watching me get flustered"
"Flustered? Like last night?" Now I could hear she was smiling ear to ear
"Oh my god, Lilah!"
"What!? I have all these detail apart from what I really want to know, so, what was he like?" She drew put her last question
"He was good, like, really good"
"Eeek, I KNEW IT!" You laughed at her
"Right, I've got to go and actually get on with some work"
"What? No, you've only just started telling me-"
"Byyyyeeee Lilah" you hung up on her and laughed, you'll text her later for pizza and wine tonight.

You opened all your work stuff ready to carry on with preparation for the gala, colour schemes, finial themes, food, drinks. Then it hit you, you've just thought of a perfect idea for the gala. Now you know Delilah said you had to be professional around Lucas BUT he's pissed you off big time, thinking he can pretend like nothing happened.

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