Part 10

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You raised your glass "to great ideas"
"Fuck relationships" she smiled at you
"Who needs them anyway" you replied smiling as our glasses met.


After Delilah managed to 'talk' you into your own idea, you worked tirelessly for the next 2 weeks solid to get your idea up and ready so you'd have a response to enver negative Mr Bishop could throw at the idea, or anyone else for that matter, it wasn't about him, it was for charity after all.

Before you knew it the meeting rolled around and my plans were ready. You go to the meeting early to make sure you could carry all the plans and preparation without dropping anything. Mr Wilson entered the room first, of course with Lucas Bishop behind him, "you're here early y/n" he said
"Yes, I actually wanted to run quick last minute idea by everyone while they were here and my excitement got the best of me" you smile back, Lucas only stared at you with curiosity, you could tell it was killing him that he didn't know what was going to happen. Over the next few minutes everyone filtered in and sat down ready to start, you cleared your throat before any matters could be bought up, you wanted to get this said first, "if I could suggest a proposal to you all before we get started?" You looked towards Mr Wilson and he inclined his head, then you stood and smoothed your skirt down. "My idea will not change the direction of the gala at all, its simply a way to try to maximise the amount of money we will donate at the end of the night, no major adjustments will have to be made at all. After speaking with a few people who will be in attendance, and after a considerable amount of planning, u would like to propose an action of sorts in the night" you paused to gauge their reactions, so far so good, "not one with art or sculpture but,erm, one with people" their faces all turned to shock "Strictly PG, all profits to charity and obviously all voluntary, things such as 'a plus one to an event' or and evening dinner or whatever, I've seen how these go and they tend to bring in a lot of donations" you reached into your pack in front of you and passed around the card templates you'd work up "these would all be placed at the tables, all we would need is a name and yes or no, simple and affective I believe"
"Do you not find it degrading at all?" Lucas asked, you couldn't tell if he was serious or joking, if he was smiling then his hand covered it.
"As a woman myself and speaking to others male, female and other" you paused, ready for this, "we all believed it would be fun and as its volunteers only, there's no pressure to do anything you don't want to do" you smiled at him "any more questions?"
"Yes, can anyone put themselves in for this? For example, would you be given the chance to?"
"Of course, open to all in attendance and yes, I will be taking part as has my friend also volunteered" you saw a flash of something in his eyes then, maybe this was getting to him a bit, we hadn't spoken in two weeks and you drop a bombshell plan like this. Everyone in the room was nodding their heads in agreement with the proposal, "I don't see why we can't, extra donations are always welcomed" Mr Wilson looked around the room for anyone against, he found none and continued, looking back at me "you'll have these printed up professionally, ready by Friday evening?" Holding up the cards you had designed
"Yes, of course, they're ready to go I was just was just waiting on this mornings confirmation"
"Good, make it happen y/n, it's all yours to run"
"Thank you, sir" you beamed at him and looked over a Lucas who was directly opposite you as you sat down, his face set and jaw locked. The rest of the meeting was pretty quick as it was just to catch up on how everyone was doing and if they were all going to be done on time.

Afterwards, you did a quick sweep to grab my cards which made you the last to leave the room.

You stepped out and saw Lucas leaning against the wall, "waiting for me again?" You sarcastically asked. He pushed me up against the wall with his hand on my throat, fuck, "I'm starting to think you have a choaking kink" you said with an arrogant smirk, I needed to have the upper hand in this situation.
"well darling, I don't see you putting up a fight, so I might say the same about you" wiping the smirk on your face and putting it on his. Fuck him. You kneed him in the groin, him recoiling, and stepping to the side of him, bending down to whisper in his ear "maybe I do, maybe I don't. Shame you'll never truly find out" you started to saunter away hearing him strain his response "you really doubt me sweetheart?" You didn't grace him with a response.

"I hope you'll be in red on Friday, you did look devine in it at the club" you could hear the smirk in his voice, and as much as he had just grated on your nerves, he had sent those damned butterflies to your stomach once again.

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