Part 23

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"Yeah, and we were like talking about everything and then you and he made me realise that..."
"...that, I love you y/n"

You just sat there, in shock of the words that just came out of his mouth. "Fuck that feel so good to finially say it to you" he looks up to your face, beaming but his smile drops when he sees your eyes fill with tears "y/n? Shit, I shouldn't have said anything"
"No no no, they're happy tears silly" you smile
"Oh thank god, you got me worried then" he smiled back at you and lent in to kiss you. You placed your hand on his cheek as you kissed, softly, tender, full of love.

"C'mon you, let's go to bed" you stood and held out your hand to him, lazily placed his in yours and you helped to pull him off the sofa and guided him towards the bedroom you shared.

You pushed him on the bed as you removed his shoes and socks then he helped you with his shirt and trousers. He pulled back the covers and slipped inside as you walked around the bed to get in the other side, you wrapped yourself up in the duvet then felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you into its warmth.

Lucas placed a soft kiss into your hair mumbling "thank you, y/n. What would I do without you?" You whispered back "turn back into the office grump" mirroring your words from earlier.

You inhaled deeply, savouring his embrace, this moment as Lucas slept next to you and whispered into the dark "I love you too, Lucas"


Sorry for such a short chapter but we're nearing the end now, finial chapter is next!!

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