Part 9

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Now you know Delilah said you had to be professional around Lucas BUT he's pissed you off big time, thinking he can pretend like nothing happened.

You powered through work, starting to put your ideas into plans and called Delilah on your way out to meet you at your house with pizza and you'll grab the booze.

You get home and quickly change into comfies before you hear Delilah knock on the door. You key her in and you set the pizza on the coffee table as you grabbed 2 glasses and the wine.

"Here" you pass her a glass full, "I'm gonna need this if you want details"
"Damn right I do" she smiles , and you tell her, everything, from the parts she could hear or see at the club to back at his place to the morning after.

"Ho-ly fuck" she says, eye wide and a huge smile on her face, "is it weird I'm a little jealous". You laugh "you're more than welcome to him, hey, maybe you can chat him up at the gala" you wink at her, a little joking but you could see her gears turning as she half considers it.

"So, anyway, I wanted to run something by you, as an idea for the gala." You hesitantly suggest
"Oookayyyy. Why do I feel like this has something to do with Lucas?"
"It doesn't!"
"Okay then" Deliah's voice dripping in skepticism
"Well..." her head whips to face me "it does a tiny bit" you emphasise with pinching your fingers together "a teeny tiny bit"
"Okay, go on then, shoot" she reluctantly agrees to hear me out.
"Okay so how would you feel about being a volunteer for a charity auction?" You've got to broach this right otherwise she'll think your insane
"Like as an auctioneer? For art?" She questions
"More like... a participant"
"What!? A human auction, what am I supposed to be selling here!"
"Just hear me out here, not selling anything like that, get your mind out of the gutter. Just like, your company or a meal or as a plus one for an event, stuff like that"
"Strictly PG?" She questions, considering it
"Strictly PG." You confirm "besides, I'm putting myself in the auction too" you smile shyly
"Ah, I see now. That's how it has something to do with Lucas, what do you think That's going to achieve exactly?"
"Well, judging by how he reacted to me blowing him off" she smirked, you stopped and rolled your eyes at her, smiling "mind. Gutter. Out. I mean, me leaving him and how he delt with that after the meeting I think this may, at the least annoy him. At the most? Joyfully make him jealous" she smiled at your plan
"I mean, go for it! Worst case we make sowm extra money at rhe event for charity, best case we get him flustered. See how he like that" always there to back up my crazy ideas. Not that it took much but now you're convinced, your mind went into overdrive as you started planning.

You raised your glass "to great ideas"
"Fuck relationships" she smiled at you
"Who needs them anyway" you replied smiling as our glasses met.

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