Part 22

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When you finially calmed down you asked him "and how has your morning been Mr Bishop?"
"Well, not as eventful as yours-"

"Butter? Is that really you?" You looked up at the voice and could not believe your eyes.
"Butter?" Lucas looked at you puzzled, then looked up at James "you 2 know each other?"
"Yeah, from university, thats actually where 'butter' comes from, wait you 2 know each other?"
"Um, yeah. Lucas and I work closely together, we've been friends ever since you started at Bishop Tech" James replied
"Wow, small world" you smiled up at him "oh my god, where are my manners, do you wanna join us?"
"I'd love to, we've got a lot to catch up on!" James smiled at you as he pulled a chair up to your table and ordered a coffee.

"So how do you guys know each other?" James asked the pair of you
"Erm, well, we've been dating for the last 5 months" you smiled at Lucas, sickly smitten
"Ah! So you're the reason he's been practically skipping around the office for the last few months"
"James!" Lucas placed his hands over his face in an attempt to hide his blush, adorable
"Yeah we met in a nightclub actually, then again through work. I have to admit I didn't particularly like him when we first met" you laughed, Lucas placed a hand over his chest "you wound me y/n"
"Shut up you baby" you smacked his arm.

You ended up all talking for another 45 minutes, catching up and sharing stories. "Right I gotta get back, I have a meeting" James stood up to leave and you looked at your watch "Yeah, I should probably be getting back too" you all stood up to leave
"I'll walk you back" Lucas offered
"Awe, thank you"
"Drinks later?, after work?" James asked Lucas
"Yeah, man, that would be great"
"Great to see you again Butter" he hugged you goodbye
"And you! It was way too long" you and Lucas waved James off as he walked off.

"So..." Lucas turned to you "Butter, heh?"
"Oh my days!" You groaned
"Are you gonna spill?"
You let out a breath "Fine! It was university, a drunken uni night of truth and dare. Basically, I got dared to eat a tub of butter, everyone thinking I wouldn't do it and take the shot, but I did. The whole tube" you smiled proudly at him as he laughed
"And you've been called Butter ever since?" He was still wheezing from his laughter
"Yup" you smiled as you popped the 'p', we got back to your office and stopped outside.
"You sure you don't mind me going out tonight?" Lucas questioned
"Why would I mind? Go! Have fun!" He smiled at you
"What would I do without you?"
"Hmmm, turn back into a grump" he smiled down at you, his eyes searching "hey, everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. All good. I'll call you later, yeah?"
"Look forward to it" you went on your tiptoes to kiss him goodbye and went inside.

The rest of your day was hectic, so busy that luckily it flew by. Lucas called you as he said he would as he was leaving the office and you let him know you were just walking in your apartment. You ended up having and early night after your crazy day but you ended up waking up way too soon to someone knocking on my door. You rolled over and looked at your clock: 3.16am, seriously. You thought that maybe if you rolled over and went back to sleep they'd leave, nope, the knocking turned into a pounding on your door.

You threw your duvet off and padded to the door, you looked through the peep hole, it was Lucas. You opened the door and he almost fell through it onto you. "Y/N! You opened the door!" He had the biggest, goodies grin on his face you'd ever seen
"Lucas, are you drunk?" You questioned him, he held up his fingers, showing a small gap
"Maybe a teeny tiny little bit" then he started laughing hysterically
"Lord give me strength, will you come inside? Please?"
"No wait, there was something I was coming here to tell you" he held your face in his hands
"Lucas please, just come inside then we can talk"
"Okay" and he walked right past you to the sofa, and fell over, luckily landing on the sofa.

You shut the door and went into the kitchen to get him a glass of water, you walked back to the sofa and he was already asleep. You knelt on the floor next to him and shook his arm "Lucas, wake up. I need you to drink this otherwise you'll moan all day tomorrow" he stirred and sat up, taking the glass from you and taking a large gulp. "You wanted to tell me something?" His eyes lit up
"Oh yes!" He patted the sofa next to him, and you sat next to him, "I had the most amazing conversation tonight, with James yeah?"
"Um yeah..." you were so confused
"Yeah, and we were like talking about everything and then you and he made me realise that..."
"...that, I love you y/n"

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