Part 18

16 2 0

TW: abusive relationship

"Don't let him ruin the evening you've worked so hard for" he spoke under his breath so only you could hear him
You smiled and looked down as you felt my blush, "I'd love to" you looked back at him as he held up a hand and your slipped mine into it, as he led me to the dance floor.

You walked together to the dancefoor, side by side, both with silly smiles on your faces and your hand in his. You reached the floor and he stopped and let your hand fall, you turned to face him. He placed one hand behind his back and the other in front of you "may I have this dance y/n?" He bent forward slightly at the waist and looked up at me through his lashes and a few strands of his loose dark hair. You giggled "I'd be delighted Mr Bishop" you did a slight curtsy as you placed your hand in his.

Lucas then pulled your hand to him, forcing your body very close to him as his other hand rested on your lower back, "Mr Bishop, what ever will people think!?" You playfully asked him, he bent his neck down so his mouth was level with your ear as his whispered "let them think whatever they want princess", your breath hitched as you began to sway.

The music was slow, beautiful, "can I ask you something?" Lucas' eyes met yours, you nodded "sure, fire away"
"Whats the story with Stephen? You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to, it's just... you seemed like there was some sort if history there"
"No its fine, umm, we dated. VERY briefly but it... it messed me up" you paused waiting for more questions or a reaction but he was silent, waiting for you to continue in your own time, you lowered your eyes from his as you continued "it lasted around 2 and a half, 3 months maybe but it was pretty bad. He was so nice to me before, charming, charismatic, generous..." you took a deep breath "but the day I agreed to go on a date with him, literally that first date" you let out a sad laugh "he changed, was so controlling, he was always keeping tabs on me, constantly accusing me of cheating in him, emotionally abusive. It was the worst 3 months of my life, I've never felt so worthless or alone, ever" you could feel the tears forming in your eyes, you started blinking rapidly to avoid them from spilling "but the day he-" your voice broke "sorry"
"You have nothing to apologise for, you don't have to tell me"
"No, i-i need to. The day he... hit me, was the day everything seemed to make sense. Like I could finially see in clarity what he had done to me. I walked out that day and stayed with Delilah until I finially got him out of my life, I managed to get away from him but sadly not fully, he's a donator to all my company's events, that was how we met, so every so often we happen to run into each other" a single tear fell, you stopped dancing.

Lucas let go of you and placed his hand on either side of your cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away your tear "is that why you were so defensive about me, when we first met at you work?" You closed your eyes and nodded at him "Hey, you got away from him and I swear to you, I swear, he'll never get to you again" you opened your eyes again and looked into his, his intensity alone was enough to let me know he wasn't lying or joking.
"Thank you" your voice was small and followed by and equally small smile
"Now, let's enjoy the rest of the evening and forget he's even here" you nodded and Lucas pulled you back into him as you danced again, your head resting on his shoulder.

You danced for what seemed like ages, until you worked up the courage to say "Lucas?"
"I don't really know how to say this so I'm just going to say it" you took a deep breath in "even though I don't fully know you, I-I really like you. I really like you Lucas, I like you humour, you're caring, you infuriate me but you make me smile and I love your smile"
"Well, I like you too. But I think we can render that though"
"Render what?"
"That we don't know each other, don't you?"
"How about dinner? Tomorrow?"
You looked up at him to see the smile you loved "2 nights in a row? You sure you won't get fed up with me?" You teased
"Never, I could never get bored of you"
"Then it's a date" you matched his smile as you moved your hand from his shoulder to his hair as he kissed you, softly. Nothing like what you had done so far but hopefully what you could get from now on.

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