Chapter Fifty One

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Sitting in the recording booth with the microphone in front of you and Paul sitting behind the glass suddenly made you feel nervous. This morning you had woken up excited and ready for the clock to strike nine fourty five so you could make your way to the studio, but now you were here and actually sitting down ready your stomach began to knot and your mouth was dryer than the Sahara dessert. 

"Ok Nell we're ready to start with 'Who you are'?" Paul asked through the PA system. Nodding your head you put on the earphones and then waited for the music to start playing. Most of the morning had been recording the music. Now you would be putting the lyrics on the tracks. 

This was more than you ever imagined you would be doing in your lifetime and you didn't plan on taking any of it for granted. Paul was only in town for a couple of weeks and you would be the most profession you had ever been. 

When the day drew to a close and you were sat next to Paul listening back to the song with a Cheshire cat sized grin on your face, you couldn't wait to see Chris and your families reaction to the amazing song.

Walking through the door a delectable odor hit your nose. Placing your bag and coat in the closet you found Chris in the kitchen stirring a pot of food on the stove.

"Hey what you cooking it smells amazing." You call out startling Chris who beams up at you with bright eyes.

"Hey, you weren't supposed to be home yet I wanted to have everything ready for you." He grimaces slightly. "How was your day?"

"Sorry I should have called to say I was on my way home." You replied placing a single kiss on his cheek. 

Strolling into the room he has set the table with candles, housed in the center of the long dining table is a huge bouquet of stark white flowers, the aroma mixed with the sweet smell of the food cooking on the stove. 

Running your hand along the table you turn to smile at Chris who is tracking your steps behind you. 

"What is all this in aid of?" You question placing your arms around his broad shoulders, creeping up onto your tip toes, still not matching his height, to place another kiss against his smiling mouth. 

"Do I need a reason to do something nice for my fiancé?" Chris asks. Rolling your eyes at him you sit in the seat and wait for Chris to begin serving the food. "How did the day in the studio go? I want to hear all about it." He calls while plating long strands of spaghetti onto a plate and topping it with a rich tomato sauce. 

"Oh Chris it was amazing and we made some real progress we laid one track down today and started on another. I am hoping to get through a few more tomorrow now that I know what I have actually gotten myself into." You explain with animation.

Chris grins widely at you while you both sit down to eat. 

"I am glad you had a good day. Honestly it's the happiest you have looked coming home from work in a long time." He replies quickly then moves right back to the food he is eating.

"So when do you have to leave to film?" You ask, twirling the pasta around the fork and placing it in your mouth, you look at Chris with a smile.

You knew, by now you had gotten finely attuned to the ulterior motive of your fiancé. Chris sits back in his chair and shakes his head at you.

"How did you know?" Chris asks with a humph. 

"Now not that you aren't always incredibly romantic but, the flowers gave it away." Replying you looked up at the obnoxiously large arrangement, they were a sorry for something. 

"I guess your right. I need to start coming up with new ideas when I have to tell you something." Chris sat back in his chair and looked at you with a smirk. "OK, I have to leave in two days. I will be gone for three months, hopefully no longer." He releases the information quickly, hoping to soften the blow of the unexpected information. 

Sitting and taking in the information for a moment it would bring you close to the due date of the baby. You still had a lot of things to do and you were in the middle of the album. However you knew that this was going to be coming. Chris had commitments and they had to be upheld. 

"It's fine." You reply with a smile.

Chris looks you deep in the eye and turns his head to the side with a concerned look on his face. He had done this many times in the last couple of weeks. Something that you found adorable. 

"I will be fine, I have the dogs and my work. I need to make sure that our Ma's don't go crazy overboard with the baby's room and reign in your sister with the baby shower. At this rate its going to be a circus." Replying with another smile. Chris takes your hand. 

"Nell are you sure this is going to be ok? I can pull out of the movie." Chris replied. 

You knew that it wasn't an option. Too much had already been invested in the movie for him to pull out now. It also wasn't in Chris' nature to let someone down. Everything that you had going on would keep you apart for now, the only difference would be that you would be in different states. 

"Chris you can't and I know you would never pull out of the movie. We will be fine. I know it is right as the baby is due but, I have my Ma here and Lisa. Everything will be fine. I have enough going on at the moment, we would have barely seen each other anyway." Looking at the concern in Chris' eyes you move to sit on his lap placing your arms around his shoulders. 

"Stop worrying. I'm sure our parents would be more than willing to help me out whenever I needed. My Ma will try to move herself in here no doubt." You laugh at the very real possibility that it could happen. 

"I just don't like the idea of leaving you for that long." Chris pouts. 

Leaning down into the crook of his neck you place a soft and tentative kiss.

"Just think how amazing the phone sex could be though." You whisper seductively into his ear, then proceed to nibble gently on his lobe, sending shivers down his spine and him to instinctively throw his head back and close his eyes. 

"Now is that a promise." He looks at you waiting for a reply. Nodding your head you look him deep in the eye, a seductive look in yours. He picks up on the look and before you can take another breath he has picked you up with ease and is carrying you down the hall towards the bedroom. 

Dropping you carefully but playfully on the bed he tugs off his shirt and then climbs delicately between your legs. 

"Erm Chris I'm still hungry I wanted to finish my food." You said with all the seriousness that was uncalled for in the current situation.

Hanging his head he scoffed. 

"Are you joking me?" He was already getting hard at the thought of what you would get up to in the bedroom tonight. 

"Yes I'm joking get over here." You pull his face into yours and kiss him, roaming his mouth with your tongue, tasting the rich tomato sauce mixed with a hint of the beer he had been swigging at the table. 

Feeling him grow between your legs with every touch you made and every flick of your tongue against his still gave you butterflies, it still felt as exciting as the first night that you joined Chris in his bed. 

Unbuttoning his pants you slid them over his pert ass and ran your hands back up over his thighs and landing on his ass with a small slap.

"Your going to miss my ass the most aren't you?" Chris says pulling away from the kiss briefly. Nodding your head at him with a cheeky grin on your face you pull him into you once more. 

"Come on you know I will miss more than that." You paused by his ear to bite briefly on his earlobe again. "I will miss your kisses, your arms around me, your tongue against my pussy." The last words from your mouth earned you a raised eyebrow look. 

Chris almost growled and dove into your neck, placing sweet and soft kisses against your skin. He ripped open your shirt sending buttons pinging around the room, his lips travelled over your chest to your breasts. Nipping and lapping at your warm skin.

"Then I need to give you something you won't forget when I go." He grinned up at you from between your legs. 

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