Chapter Twenty Six

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Mingling around the group you see some faces that you hadn't managed to see since you had been back.

Glasses of wine were flowing freely and the quiet din of conversations filled the room. You were helping your Ma and chatting to her about Chris. Every so often he would look over to check on you and give you a kind smile.

"Are things going well with the two of you? He seems to be smitten." Maggie asks. Smiling slightly you blush a little. 

"It's going well. But it's too soon to tell. Honestly Ma I'm waiting to wake up from a dream. I have to keep pinching myself just to know that it is real and I'm not dreaming." You reply taking another sip of wine. "I don't know perhaps this is all just a little out there I mean how long is it going to be before he wakes up and thinks 'what am I doing with this nobody'?" 

"Sweetie, he can't keep his eyes off you. Every girl in here is dying for his attention and it is on you and no one else. Everything happens for a reason, you know that I tell you that all the time. Bask in the moment and enjoy every moment together. Don't sabotage it." She pulls your attention and gives you a gentle nudge. 

Everything was going well until Jake came in, late to the party, he walked in behind you and grabbed you round the waist spinning you around in a bear hug.

"Jesus Jake you scared the shit out of me. You okay?" You turn and smack him playfully on the arm.

"Good to see you again Nell. Can't wait for tonight. Let our hair down." Jake jokes.

"Some of us have work tomorrow. But it will be nice to catch up." You reply with a small smile.

Unfortunately Jake still made you feel nervous and after him acting like he did last night and making Chris jealous you weren't sure how it would go today.

Chris watches the exchange from where he is standing with your Ma and Pa. He looks down at his drink, you can see his jaw clench and you wonder what he is thinking. Last night you didn't see his reaction when you were talking to Jake. It was only last night over grilled cheese sandwiches that he admitted his jealously.  

Jake walks off and is chatting to Pete about the menu. They could never switch off. Either of them. Jake was so animated when he spoke. He was laughing and joking with some of the female servers who were lapping up the attention he was giving them. Rolling your eyes you head over into the kitchen to begin helping your Ma and Pa bring the food out and placing it on the table.

Chris followed behind you and asks if you need a hand.

"We got this go and grab a seat for us." Waving him away from the kitchen.

He holds his hands up in defeat and heads over to the table to find two spare seats. When you have finally finished bringing the food out you take a seat next to Chris and Jake takes the seat on the other side of you. This would be interesting.

As everyone begins to tuck into the food the conversation flowed around the table. Your parents kept looking at you from across the table and then whispering to each other and to Pete who would then glance over to you as well.

"If you would excuse me for a moment." You turned to Chris who nodded with a mouthful of food but stood from his seat to help you from yours. 

You headed towards the ladies for a moment. Bracing yourself against the basin you took in a deep breath. Everyone was thinking the same as Brad. They must all have an opinion. What were they thinking? You couldn't exactly ask them over the table in front of everyone.

Maybe Chris coming was a bad idea. At least if he wasn't here you could ask your parents their honest opinion. You knew that Pete would give it with Chris there or not. A body behind you startles you and you whip around to face them.

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