Chapter Thirty Nine

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Saturday came around all too quickly and as you sat in the truck on the way to the OBGYN your leg didn't stop shaking. This was your first appointment to check that you were pregnant, not that you hadn't done another three tests since the first two, but a doctor would confirm it.

As Chris parked the truck he turned off the engine and then turned to look at you.

"Ready?" He asked.

Taking in a deep breath you simply nod your head, then put your hand on the door.

It felt like a lifetime that you were waiting in the office looking around at the pictures of cute chubby babies on the walls, it felt like a lifetime since you peed in the little cup and left it carefully in the bathroom to be checked, it felt like a lifetime until the OBGYN walked into the room and asked you to slip up onto the bed ready for your first ultra sound.

"So everything looks great. I need you to start taking the prenatal vitamins, making sure that your keeping yourself hydrated and healthy. So far so good, now how about we check this little bean, see how far along you are?" You look at the beautiful, grey haired, green eyed OBGYN. She made you feel so calm, her gentle voice plucked at your heart strings. Something inside you just wanted to hug her.

She plopped the jelly onto your lower abdomen which she had already warned you was cold. Then began to search the lower half of your stomach for the little bean.

Chris was watching the screen with wide eyes. He had his head resting on the end of his fingers and he was leaning on the bed next to you. His eyes constantly moving around the screen. He looks fit to burst.

After a few minutes a faint heartbeat comes from the machine next to you and suddenly the baby is on the screen. You finally let go of the breath that you didn't know you were holding and tears fall from your eyes.

"Please tell me that they are happy tears?" Chris asks holding tighter to your hand. 

"Of course they are I guess I just didn't believe it was real until I saw the little bean with my eyes." You explain.

"I love you." Chris says quietly into your ear.

Smiling at him with adoration in your eyes you know that this is the most happy that you have been in a long time. Again you honestly believed that everything happened for a reason. Your ma and Chris' ma were firm believers in it. 

But now you would have to tell them that you were pregnant, your parents would be grandparents for the first time and they would be the most doting grandparents. They had been the best parents growing up. 

You often looked on at their loving relationship, hoping that one day you would have what they had, hoping that you would accomplish what they had in their lives in your own. 

"I love you too." 

"I think I will give you guys a couple of minutes, congratulations, I'm just going to print off some pictures for you to take and book you in for another appointment in a couple of weeks." The doctor smiles at you then leaves the room quietly.

Laying on the bed you watch the picture on the screen. The perfect little bean that was a complete mixture of you and Chris.

Yes it may have been too soon but like you've said before everything happens for a reason.

"We are really going to be parents." You smile at Chris and squeeze his hand slightly.

"We are going to be amazing parents." Chris replies.

"Right I've put a list of vitamins I want you to start taking, the next appointment is booked in and I've written it down. Your pictures are in the pack there. If you have any questions my number is there you can call me anytime. I will see you in a couple of weeks." The doctor says shaking both your hands.

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