Chapter Twelve

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Wednesday came by quicker than you expected and as you left the office that day you put three fingers up to Brad on your way past.

"Another date? Well you certainly are doing something right. Have fun and see you tomorrow." He replies looking up from the desk.

Moving around the apartment getting yourself ready for the date you looked at the desserts your parents had brought from the restaurant.

They had obviously told Pete about your plans and he had made you a huge array of mini desserts. This would impress Chris, he was already a fan of the restaurant so it would score you major brownie points.

Packing a small overnight bag of toothbrush, pjs, knickers and an outfit for work the following day you wondered if it was too presumptuous. No you were being prepared. You didn't want to get caught out like last time and end up doing the walk of shame in Chris' clothes again.

Hunting through your closet you looked for a cute but casual outfit. After all you were just hanging out at Chris' house no need to over dress.

Settling on a pair of blue polka dot pants and white cardigan over a white bralette you pulled on your tennis shoes and checked yourself in the mirror. Leaving your hair to fall over your shoulders you nodded into the mirror.

(This is your outfit)

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(This is your outfit)

Getting your bags and Maples lead, you grab the desserts from the fridge and leave the apartment, Maple trotting beside you happily. Packing everything in the car you load Maple into the boot and strap her in. Putting everything else in the passenger seat you make your way around the front of the car but a face stops you in your tracks.

"Hey Nell." His voice is deep and you can hear the pain.

"What, what are you doing here? How did you know where to find me?" This is not what you needed right now. This was not the face you wanted showing up right now.

"I think we should talk. Don't you?" Nathan mumbles.

This was not what you wanted. Nathan hadn't popped into your head since Sunday when you were writing your song. He didn't deserve your time right now and you had somewhere to be. Somewhere you actually wanted to be.

"Nathan it's too little too late. Where were you a couple of weeks ago when I left? That would have been the time for a talk." You replied in your most stubborn manner.

You weren't confrontational. All you wanted to do right now was leave. Get away from this situation, be with Chris.

"Nell come on, you could at least hear me out." Nathan steps towards you. Taking a step back away from his open arms you close your eyes for a second to compose yourself.

"Nathan nothing you can say is going to change anything. Don't you think I have been waiting for your explanation as to why I found you fucking someone else in our bed. Don't you think I have gone over every scenario drawing a blank at every turn. I can't do this right now. You can't just show up here out of the blue and expect me to hear you out." You are almost shouting at him now. You turn away, your hand on the handle of your car.

"Look I know I done a fucked up thing. I'm sorry for that I never meant to hurt you. I just needed to see you to ask for your forgiveness." Nathan is pleading. You keep looking at your car. You can't turn toward him, you can't let him see the tears in your eyes. "She's pregnant!"

At those words from his mouth you knew that it wasn't his first time sleeping with her. This had been a long time affair. At those words the tears vanished from your eyes. Opening the car door you slip inside. Looking over to him you smile sweetly at him.

"Good luck with your new family Nathan. I can't forgive you and I will never forget what you done to me. Thank you for showing me what a class A prick you are. Do not contact me again! Goodbye."

With that you leave the car park with Nathan standing lost for words.

Perhaps he was expecting you to forgive him. Maybe you would have. Just for an easier life. You hated having bad blood with anyone. But this was unforgivable.

You were thirty minutes late when you finally pulled up to Chris' gate and buzzed the intercom. The gates swung open and you drove slowly in.

Taking a moment to compose yourself you shake off what just happened, grab your bag and the desserts and climb out of the car. Letting Maple out the back you watch as she runs straight to Dodger who has left the house ahead of Chris.

"Everything alright?" Chris asks.

"Sorry I'm late. Something came up and I couldn't message you. I hope I haven't ruined dinner. I," tears fill your eyes again and you try your hardest to hold them back before Chris notices.

"Is everything ok? No dinner is still cooking. Honestly babe is everything alright, what happened?" Chris asks again pulling you into a hug.

Tears start flowing down your face and you quietly cry into Chris' shoulder.

"Just someone turned up who I really wasn't expecting to see tonight. I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin our night. Let's go inside put these desserts in the fridge." Chris walks you into the house his arm around your shoulder, taking the desserts from you he puts them away and then pours you a glass of wine.

"I take it the person who has got you so worked up is Nathan?" He asks pouring his own wine.

"I don't even know how he found me. Honestly I was so excited to get here and he has just changed my whole mood." You explain taking another sip of wine. "He came to apologise. It's too little too late now though which I told him. Then he dropped the bombshell that he got her pregnant." Finishing the wine you look at Chris who is watching you.

"Babe I'm so sorry. What can I do?" Chris asks pulling you into a hug and kissing you on the forehead.

"This, this is exactly what I need from you. I'm sorry I don't want to be talking about him right now. How was your day?" You ask sitting on the stool and watching Chris as he moves around the kitchen plating up the food, then pours you another glass of wine.

You both move to the table where Chris has set up candles and everything. He places the plate in front of you.

"This looks and smells amazing. Who knew you were such a good chef?" You praise.

"Well I have a confession. My Ma gave me this recipe and she came here to help me prep." He confesses.

"Oh so I should thank your Ma for the dinner then?" You reply cheekily but then realise what he has said. "So you told her you were having a date then?"

"Well yes she knows that I am on a date. Is that alright?" Chris asks noticing the change in your demeanour.

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be? Just curious how much your Ma knows about me that's all." You ask.

"She knows enough."

You smile at Chris, happy that he is showing a lot of interest, enough to tell his Ma about you. Finishing dinner you move together to the living area.

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