Chapter Five

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Waking the next morning at six you got yourself out of bed and made your way to the bathroom. Looking at your reflection in the mirror you groaned. You hadn't had the best night sleep which showed in your face.

Trying to cover up a night's worth of sins you quickly applied a little make up and attempted to subdue your mane of hair. Riffling through your spare room you found a pair of black jeans and a green top which you paired with your comfy vans. Grabbing a black baseball cap you thread it through the belt loop you find your big glasses and throw them into your bag. Spritzing yourself with perfume you take one final glance and deem yourself presentable for an early morning date, dog walk, this was not a date this was a dog walk and coffee. Wasn't it?

(Imagine this is your oufit)

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(Imagine this is your oufit)

Heading into the kitchen you take down a cute travel cup and begin to make yourself an iced salted caramel latte. Maple had finally dragged herself out of your bed and began eating the biscuits you had filled her bowl with. Adding some ice to your coffee you checked the time and started to get ready to leave the apartment. Maple got excited at the lead being taken down from by the door and sat eagerly waiting to be clipped up.

Outside the crisp morning air hit your face and made you instantly wake more. It was warm already but there was a slight nip in the air. Heading towards the park where you were due to meet Chris you saw quite a few more people than when on your run a few mornings ago. You stopped quickly to put your cap and sunglasses on. This was not the time to be spotted with Chris. You hoped that he would also be incognito. Taking small sips on your coffee you knew that you were getting closer to your meeting place as Maple had picked up the pace and began tugging slightly at the lead, she could obviously smell Dodger.

Approaching Chris who was waiting by the clock you had agreed to meet at you quickly glanced round to see if anybody else was about.

"Good morning cutie." You spot Dodger who is eagerly shaking his body while waiting for Maple to join him. Chris has his back to you and turns when he hears your words.

"Well good morning to you too." He replies with a smile.

"I mean I was talking to Dodger but I suppose you look cute as well." You shrug your shoulders at him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and had a black tee with a flannel over the top. His black baseball cap on again and his glasses. You lean into him and give him a small hug to say hello.

"I'm not sure if I've been called cute since I was about six years old but thanks I guess. You look lovely." He responds.

You both start walking together further into the park. Luckily Chris had brought himself a coffee. You'd texted you were bringing coffee. Politely asking if he wanted one of course. Walking along the path you spoke wildly with each other about your passions and what you enjoyed doing in your free time. Chris spoke with adoration about his family. He had a brother and two sisters, one of which had three children who he clearly loved more than anything because his eyes lit up when he spoke about them. He asked about your family.

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