Chapter Thirty Five

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You and Chris had been living in harmonious bliss. But now you would be heading on a trip for work with Patrick. Chloe had a family wedding and couldn't make the dates in New York which meant you were heading out there again.

In the back of your mind you felt terror and anxiety at the thought of being back in New York. It would be extremely unlucky that you would bump into Nathan or his mistress but it could happen. Or maybe you would meet one of your old friends from New York. It would be nice to see them but you couldn't be sure how they would react to you.

Packing things into a small suitcase you moved slowly around the room. Chris was sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you have to go? I can always come with you." Chris asks.

"Chloe can't do this one and it's the only one. I'm not too keen about going either if I'm honest but I have to." You explain. "There isn't much point in you coming. I won't have an awful lot of free time. It would've been nice though."

He sits pouting like a petulant child. Smiling at him you wander over and place your hands on his shoulders.

"It's three days. I will be back before you know it. You have meetings anyway." Then you kiss him quickly and gently on the cheek. Breathing in his familiar musky cologne suddenly makes you feel light headed and queasy. This wasn't the first time it had happened.

"Are you alright?" Chris asks steadying you.

"Yeah I am just a little lightheaded. Probably from all the rushing around. I haven't eaten yet. Maybe we should head to the restaurant for some food?" You suggest.

"Let's go, you know I can never turn down Pete's cooking." You jab him playfully. "Not that yours isn't amazing." You slowly nod at him and turn to leave the room.

For now the packing could wait.

As you leave the house whipping down the road, windows down and watching the world go by. Another smell in the distance makes bile rise in your throat.

"Chris you need to pull over. I think I'm going to be sick." You hold your hand against your mouth.

Chris pulls over the truck and you jump out quickly. Holding your hair back you throw up into a near by bush. Taking in a deep breath you feel a comforting hand on your back and a bottle of water is thrust to you.

"Are you sure your okay? Maybe your coming down with something. Do you want to head back home? I'm sure I can rustle you up a chicken noodle soup." Chris says comforting you and leading you back towards the truck.

"No honestly I feel a little better now that I've been sick. Do you have any gum?" You ask sitting back in the truck and closing your eyes to steady your breathing and focus on your stomach that's now in knots.

Maybe you were coming down with something, perhaps it was just nerves about going to New York tomorrow. Either way you had to push through it. New York was the only place on the tour that you had to go on.

When you finally arrived at the restaurant feeling a little more yourself you say hi to your parents and then head into the kitchen to see Pete.

Jake was there, things were a little easier with each other now. He was finally sober and he was getting on better at the restaurant. Pete had even managed to have a few days off. Which was never like him.

Everything seemed to be falling into place.

"Hey Pete do you think you could make me something with loads of veg? I think I'm coming down with something." You ask.

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