Chapter Fourty Two

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"Nell I think that you should watch this." Chris walks into the kitchen the next morning and shows you a clip on his phone.

"Guys this clip has been doing the rounds and I think she is amazing so I have to share it with you all. This was an open mic night and well just watch guys because she is amazing."

You watched on as Jimmy spoke on his show that had been aired on Saturday night, the clip that he was showing was the video of you singing at the open mic night.

Your eyes go wide as you watch the clip and all of the audience going crazy and clapping for you. Jimmy had threatened when you went to dinner that he would put it on the show. You never imagined he would do it without giving Chris or you a heads up first.

"Why on earth would he play that clip?" You ask Chris.

Chris shot a look at you.

"Why wouldn't he show it? You are amazing." Chris replies. He stands behind you and cuddles you leaning his chin on your shoulder as you stare blankly at the video.

This was going to be it. Your life was going to change drastically. Jimmy had put your video out for the world to see and now you would most likely have to go on the show. Which would mean going to New York again and this time it would be your life put in the spot light.

"God this is going to be crazy. I never imagined it would happen the night I got up to sing. I just wanted to have a good night and impress my friends. This has all got a little much." You turn towards Chris. Suddenly having a brain wave. "Did you send that video to Jimmy?" You accuse.

Never really thinking it was him but you just needed to be sure. He was always up to something.

"No I didn't but I will shake the hand of the person who did." Chris replies with a grin.

Although Chris was delighted with Jimmy outing your talent to the world you were a little more apprehensive. Eventually you would be asked to go on Jimmy's show. He spoke briefly about you going on his show when you went for dinner.

Everything up until now had been relatively under the radar but for you to potentially go onto the show, Chris would want to come with you and then questions would need answering.

A call on Chris' phone distracted you and when Chris answered it you tried to listen in.

"Hey Jimmy." Chris over exaggerated his hello and looked at you wide eyed. Chris clicked the button for loud speaker and placed his phone on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Chris how are things?" The conversation starts. You watch as Chris leans on the counter and continues speaking with Jimmy.

"All good man, just so you know your on loud speaker and Nell is here." He looks in your direction and you roll your eyes waiting for what is about to happen.

"Oh amazing. I was hoping you were with her. I take it you both saw the show?" Jimmy asks.

"Well we caught up on a certain part of it today." Chris replies.

"How are you feeling Nell? I know I probably should have given you a heads up but I have had a lot of people send me the video. It's doing the rounds so I had to show it. The response, it's been amazing." Jimmy tells you.

At least that was something. Perhaps you would enjoy the spotlight. Maybe it would be good for your relationship with Chris. If you were also in the limelight perhaps people wouldn't judge your relationship so harshly when they found out about you and just how ordinary you really were.

Perhaps in a perfect world your relationship with Chris would come out into the open and everyone would be fine with it all. You would be able to go about your lives, have the baby and not get any grief from anyone. But how likely was that exactly?

"So now that I have outed your secret talent on national television when are you going to come here and perform?" Jimmy asked.

His question pulled you out of your daydream.

You looked to Chris with wide eyes and shrugged your shoulders. You weren't sure if you wanted to go on the show. If it were to happen it would turn your world upside down.

"Well give Nell a chance to process what has happened. Maybe send over some details about what you want to do and then we can have a chat. Sound okay?" Chris see's the dilemma surging around your brain and deals with the situation perfectly.

You grin widely at him and mouth thank you. He always knew how to gauge your reactions and what was the best thing to say, although you hadn't been together long he just knew what you were feeling. 

Chris hangs up the phone after a brief and private conversation with Jimmy in the other room, which you hear small parts of. He wanders back in and begins helping you prep lunch.

"So how do you feel about going on the show?" Chris asks sheepishly after a few minutes of silence, just the methodical chopping of vegetables for the food echoing around the kitchen.

You pause for a moment thinking hard about your feelings towards the situation. Perhaps you would enjoy going on. Nothing was likely to come from it. Maybe it would be your twenty minutes of fame and then be done with.

"I'm not sure, do you really think it's a good idea? Especially with everything going on right now." You ask.

"I mean if you wait longer you will be showing and then you will have more explaining to do. Perhaps it would be the best thing. We could go together? Even if I'm there for moral support." Chris suggests.

"I mean I guess the sooner we do it the better perhaps." You reply.

Your staring deeply into the food that your cooking on the stove. Since you moved here you had wrote a few more songs. The mood always came to you when Chris was out for business meetings or when he had to go away for the weekend to meet with another executive for the movie he was trying to make.

Were you ready to share them with the world?

Sitting down at the table to eat together you looked over at Chris with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Chris asks.

"I'll do it." You reply. He looks at you with quizzical face. Wondering exactly what your talking about. "The show, Jimmy, I will go on his show. I have a few songs I've written that I can perform if that's what he wants me to do."

Chris grins widely at you and then nods his head.

"Amazing. I will call him tomorrow and we will set something up. I will speak to my manager and get them to work out some kind of deal." He replies.

"Chris what happens if this all goes wrong?" You ask with concern.

Although everyone had told you a million times that you were good enough the one voice in your head that stuck was telling you that you would never be good enough to make it in the music industry. 

"What can go wrong? We're together and we're happy. This is a happy coincidence that you have an amazing talent and Jimmy wants to showcase it. If you really don't want to do it or your worried then you don't have to." Chris holds onto your hand.

The show would go on. You would go on Jimmy and play a new song. Perhaps have a small interview and maybe talk about what was happening with you and Chris. Jimmy was bound to bring something up.

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