Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Your pregnant?" Chris whispers.

Nodding your head you try to find the words to say to him. He scoops you into a hug and kisses you.

This reaction was not what you were expecting.

"Nell we're having a baby. Tell me your as excited as I am." Chris finally lets you go and holds onto your shoulders. He is looking you deep in the eyes, waiting for your response.

You were excited but this is just too soon. You always knew that you wanted kids. Whenever you had brought up the subject with Nathan he would sidetrack to something else. He wasn't as interested as you were. That's why you were shocked he wasn't more careful with his affair.

"I, I don't know isn't this too early? Are you sure your happy about this? I, I don't know what to say. I just, I wasn't expecting this right now." You reply still standing with the tests in your hands and wide eyes.

"Nell, I know this is a lot to take in." He guides you to the bed and sits you on the edge. "I am so happy. I know it's soon and we haven't been together long but everything happens for a reason. Please be as excited as I am about this?"

You look up at Chris, his eyes are full of excitement and enthusiasm. This is not something that you planned but it was happening whether you liked it or not. Smiling widely at him.

You had been with Nathan for eight years and he wasn't ready to be a parent. Was there ever a right time to become parents? Was there ever the perfect situation to bring a child up in? Probably not.

You parents had been together for four yeara before they started trying for a baby. Having you and your brother, although they lost him, brought them closer together. Chris came from a broken family. Nothing was ever as simple as it seemed.

"We are going to be parents." You begin crying again. Happy tears falling down your cheeks and soaking your dress.

"They are tears of joy right?" Chris asks looking concerned. You nod your head and give a little sniff. "Okay so when we get back to Boston we need to get you to a doctor. See how far along you are. I'm too excited." Chris is pacing the room, talking quick, you watch him move back and fourth and smile widely. When he approaches you, you pull him onto the bed and snuggle in next to him, placing his hand on your stomach you lay in silence.  Smiling widely.

"Are you sure about this?" You ask again quietly. Apprehensions still filling your mind.

"Nell I honestly couldn't be more excited about it." He replied holding you a little closer.

"What if I'm not? What if its a false positive?" You asked.

There were a hundred what if's in your head right now. All to do with the revelation from this evening.

What if you weren't actually pregnant? What if you lost the baby? What if you weren't ready? What if it was all a little too soon? What if this wasn't really what Chris wanted?

Everything he was saying shouldn't have been giving you these feelings but a part of you was filled with anxiety.

Finally falling asleep you wake the next morning ready to start your day. Chris waking sleepily next to you.

"I have to get ready and meet Patrick. How long are you staying?" You ask while applying a little make up and fixing your hair.

"I'm leaving this afternoon. I have another meeting. There is movement on the book becoming a movie. Realistically we need a script do you think Patrick is up to it. I know he hasn't written a script before but I can get someone to co write it with him." Chris asks.

"Yeah I will speak to him today. We have radio interviews then a signing at the library." You explain, checking your watch, you lean across the bed to kiss Chris goodbye. "I have to go I'm meeting Patrick downstairs in five."

"See you tomorrow. Hope it all goes well." Chris says stretching.

You leave the room and head down to the lobby to find Patrick. In the town car on the way to the radio interview you approached the subject of writing a script.

"So I've had a chat with Chris and he has another meeting today about the book becoming a movie. But he needs a script. I know you haven't written a script before but Chris has people that can help you. What do you think? Something you would be interested in?" You ask.

"Wow that's amazing. I mean I could give it a go but I think it may be better to get some help." Patrick suggests.

"Ok I will get him on it. Once you've finished the tour you can hopefully meet with someone and get started." You begin typing a message to Chris.

Patrick is willing to start writing a script. If you have someone who can help it will be worth it. Miss you look forward to coming home tomorrow. Xx

"So it definitely wont be wise to tell anyone it may become a movie. It's still early stages but if the question comes up. Act like you know nothing and tell them you would love it to happen in the future. I think that's the best thing right now." You explain.

"Of course. My lips are sealed." Patrick zips his lips shut and throws away an imaginary key.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur of interviews and meet and greets. Patrick and you grab lunch at a small restaurant around the corner from the radio station. Trying to force some food into yourself and not heaving at the various smells flowing around the restaurant.

This wasn't the time to let anyone else know that you could potentially be pregnant. Although you still weren't sure whether you were or not. Perhaps it was all a dream, it could still be a false positive.

Suddenly you couldn't wait to get home and book yourself in with the doctor. The weekends antics would be problematic if you were pregnant.

It would be too early to tell everyone that you were pregnant. If you were.

Chris E-
Amazing I will sort out a meeting for him with a screen writer I know. When does he finish the book tour? I've booked you an appointment with your OBGYN for Saturday morning. Miss you xx

He finishes in two weeks. He is going to make a start. How do you know my OBGYN?

Chris E-
I checked your paperwork. Turns out you don't have one in Boston so I found one for you. Sorry am I overstepping? Xx

You pondered your response for a moment. This was weird right? No you hadn't managed to get an OBGYN since moving to Boston, so far there hadn't been a need for it, it was caring though that he had thought about it. At least you knew he was excited.

Don't be silly its fine. Thank you. What are we going to do about telling people its going to be a little awkward at the family BBQ if I can't drink. It's definitely too early to tell everyone. Xx

Chris E-
I didn't think about that. Maybe we should reschedule? Xx

No it's fine we will think of something your and actor for christ sake I'm sure you can come up with some amazing story lol. Speak later about to start working again. X

What would you say to Chris' family? Surely his sisters and his Ma would figure it out. They were women and you never had the greatest poker face. Now you knew it would be interesting.

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