Chapter Fourteen

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"Chris I don't want to run. But you have to understand I have walls up. I will struggle to let you in straight away. I am sorry, that may not be what you want to hear, but I promise I will try to let you in. Please just be patient with me. That's all I can ask, I understand if that is too much." Your looking deep into his eyes.

Your hoping that will be enough for him. Would it be enough for you?

Letting your guard down would take time. Time that you had, but you were unsure if Chris would want to waste his time waiting for you. You hoped that he would but you couldn't be sure, you couldn't expect him to wait for you to be ready.

Would you be able to cope in his life? Chris was a megastar. You would be out in the world for their scrutiny as soon as you went public with Chris. If he even wanted to go public. This was as much his decision as it was yours.

"I am ready to be as patient as you need me to be. I like you Nell, a lot." Chris says.

"I like you too." Smiling sweetly at him you lean down to kiss him again. Butterflies flew around your stomach.

Chris looks up at you and slowly begins to unbutton your shirt, revealing the lacy bralette. His eyes widen and he leans his head against the back of the couch and then glances back to you.

"I mean if this is taking it slow I don't want to know what fast is." You giggle at him.

"Sorry, sorry you look so amazing though. Have I told you that today?" He exclaims.

Shaking your head you lean in to kiss him again but the front door being opened distracts you. Your eyes widen and you look down at Chris who eyes are also wide.

"Chris hey, you here?" An unknown male voice boomed from the hall.

"Shit it's Scott. Erm, oh God I completely forgot to tell him." Chris looks at you.

"Forgot to tell him what?" You move off of Chris' lap and begin to button your shirt up but your a little too late.

"Oh God I didn't know you were here I thought you were going away today." The man who had just walked in was now covering his eyes dramatically.

"Scott I completely forgot to text you. The days got changed I'm going away tomorrow." Chris explains.

"Oh well I came to get Dodger. I'm guessing I don't need to. Sorry to be so rude I'm Scott, Chris' younger more attractive brother." He smiles at you and holds out his hand for you to shake. Your still trying to do the buttons up to hide your underwear when Chris starts laughing.

"You don't need to worry too much. Scott bats for the other team." He laughs and Scott nods in agreement.

"Oh well then I may as well just take this off again." You say sarcastically.

"I like her already." Scott says nodding to Chris.

This was not what you had planned for the evening. You were hoping to make out on the sofa a little more. Maybe move it into the bedroom. Now it was a little more awkward.

Meeting the family was not something you done on a third date. Meeting the family didn't happen until at least the third month of dating. Sometimes more. How awkward would this be?

"So when are you heading out? Just so I don't walk in on you doing the nasty on the couch with someone way out of your league." Scott laughed.

You crossed you arms in front of you, turned to Chris, raised your eyebrows and smirked at him. This was going to be fun, you could tell you would be great friends with Scott.

Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all. This was the first step in meeting the family. If you could make a good impression with Scott you would surely get on well with the rest of Chris' family.

"Scott while your here why don't you join us for a drink? I was just about to grab the desserts I brought." You say heading towards the kitchen.

"Only if I'm not intruding. I never say no to desserts." Scott replies plonking himself down onto the couch.

Chris follows you into the kitchen where you pour a glass of wine for Scott and get the desserts from the fridge.

"So he definitely is intruding. I mean I thought we would have dessert after 'dessert'." He insinuated.

"Well big boy you will have to wait a little while. I want all the dirt on you before I get dirty with you again." You saunter out of the kitchen shaking your hips as you go to wind him up even more.

Looking back he dramatically collapses onto the kitchen counter watching you walk away. Giggling a little you continue on to the living room, place the desserts on the table and then sit down next to Scott.

"So how much dirt have you got on Chris?" You ask.

"Oh I don't know if I can divulge all of our family secrets. Tell me about yourself, god I don't even know your name. How rude of me." Scott suddenly realises you haven't been introduced properly.

"Nell, I have just moved back here. I work for the publishing house as an editor. Which I'm very passionate about, right Chris." You smile to him. "My parents own a restaurant in town which is where the desserts are from, not going to try to take the credit for them and that's about me in a nutshell. Also the extra dog here is mine." Scott suddenly noticed Maple laying asleep next to Dodger.

"Which restaurant? Chris and I are obsessed with Fargo's. The couple that own it are amazing."

"Kevin and Maggie yeah I guess I would have to say they are amazing. They are my parents." You smile widely.

"Wow what a small world." Scott replies.

For the next hour you all sit around chatting, the conversation flows and there is never an awkward silence.

Scott finally stands to leave and Chris follows him to the door. You overhear part of the conversation about house/dog sitting while he is away. Stopping yourself from eavesdropping you tidy away what's left of the desserts and the glasses.

Chris finds you in the kitchen.

"Well I better head home I have work tomorrow. It's been a nice night. I like Scott he seems nice." You say as he walks towards you.

"You've got to be kidding right?" He looks at you with wide eyes.

You know exactly what's on his mind. It was also on your's. Scott had rudely interupted you before which left you reeling with tension.

"I need to get up for work tomorrow. I have to drop Maple at my parents and everything." You reply putting your arms around his shoulders and tip toeing up to kiss him again.

He deepens the kiss and you know exactly what he is doing. He is trying to turn you on. I mean it wouldn't be too difficult, you were still turned on from earlier. He places his hands on your ass and squeezes it softly.

His lips trail down to your neck again kissing, licking and nipping at it. His hands are starting to roam further over your ass getting closer and closer to the heat between your legs.

"Are you sure I can't persuade you to stay the night?" His lips momentarily leave your neck.

Suddenly your breathing hitches and you can feel the damp between your legs. God he really was good.

"I saw the overnight bag in your car. Bit presumptuous isn't it?" Chris stops, raises his eyebrows and looks you deep in the eyes.

"No not presumptuous, prepared I like to think. I didn't want to get caught unaware like I did before." You reply.

"Well you may as well put it to good use and stay the night. We both know you want to." Chris said.

"You really are full of yourself." You say breathlessly as Chris continues the assault on your neck. "But I guess your right. I will go get my bag in." You grab your keys and head towards the door.

Chris stops you in your tracks kisses you and takes the key from you. He then leaves to get your bag from the car.

Always the gentleman.

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