Chapter Twenty Seven

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Up in your apartment you move around the rooms, changing from your dress and into some comfy clothes. You pack away the clothes that you brought earlier and then pour yourself and Chris a glass of wine. Then you sit next to him on the couch and pass him the glass of wine.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks.

"I'm fine. It was just a lot to take in. I was hoping that everything would go amazing tonight and that my parents would fall in love with you as well." You say quickly.

"As well?" Chris questions.

Once he said those words you realise what you had said. Maybe you were falling in love with him.

"I mean, oh god." You cover your face with your hand and lay your head back against the sofa.

"You love me?" Chris asks with a sly smile. He puts his glass down on the side table and then crawls across the sofa to you. He takes your glass and places it next to his. Looking deep into his eyes as he makes his way towards you, you shake your head a little.

"No, no I don't love you but I might just like you a lot." You cover your face again this time with both hands.

Chris pulls you to straddle him. Removing your arms from over your face. He looks you deep in the eyes and smiles.

"Just a little?" He questions kissing you on the cheek then on your neck. "You know I like you a lot as well."

Chris had said it back. This wasn't real maybe you should try to pinch yourself to wake up from the dream. You take his face in your hands and kiss him. Deeply and passionately.

You hadn't felt like this in a long time. Even with Nathan you didn't really like him for a while. It took you a long time to admit your feelings for him, but not the way you were feeling right now with Chris, not this soon.

Breaking momentarily from the kiss you pull Chris' shirt up and over his head. Then you move in to kiss him again. Feeling him growing between your legs. Not even meaning to you were turning him on.

Chris slowly pulled the sweater up and over your head revealing your chest, he kissed your neck again and worked his way down your front, paying special attention to your pert, full breasts.

Slipping off his lap you lean over to remove his trousers and pants leaving him completely naked. You in turn take off your own bottoms and then straddle him again, placing yourself down on his length. Groaning quietly at the feel of him inside you. Looking down into his eyes you grind back and fourth, feeling his whole length deep inside you. Touching your spot perfectly with every movement that you make.

Chris holds onto your hips guiding you with your movements. Slowly moving back and fourth, up and down, your breathing hitches and you let out a small moan. You didn't want all of the smut and kink tonight. As much as you enjoyed it and you knew Chris did as well. But now after the night that you'd had and the confessions that were made you wanted to make it special. You wanted to make love to Chris.

"I have never wanted you more." Chris whispers into your ear and as he does so you climax. Chris then picks you up and lays you down on the sofa, placing himself between you. He kisses and flicks his tongue against your neck making your body shiver from his touch.

As Chris begins moving his body against you again you groan at the smooth sensation. This was ecstasy.

"I'm going to cum again." You cry out to Chris.

"Cum with me." He whispers in your ear. You release the feeling, leg trembling at the sensation.

Chris lays down next to you on the sofa and lets out a happy sigh. You laid in each other's arms and fell slowly asleep, listening to the steady flow of Chris' breathing.

What seemed like hours later banging on the door to your apartment woke you. Chris also woke up. Pulling on his boxers he waited for you to pull his shirt over your head then started for the door.

As he opened the door Jake almost fell in.

"Jesus christ. Could've given me a little warning." He mumbled picking himself up from the floor. He suddenly notices Chris and sighs deeply. "Not you again. Seriously are you just always around?" He asks in annoyance.

"What do you want Jake?" Chris asks sternly.

"I need to speak to Nell." He moves to walk in the apartment but Chris blocks his path with his overbearing frame.

"You can leave now. I think you've done enough talking today don't you. Nell will speak to you when she is ready and when you are sober perhaps." Chris says closing the door on him.

You watch the interaction and commend Chris for his stern but mature nature, you knew that he really wanted to say or do more but it wasn't worth it.

"Nell I'm sorry okay. Please ring me tomorrow. We can sort this out. I'm just sorry okay." He calls through the gap in the door. "Okay, okay I'm leaving."

Your stood in the living area waiting for Chris to join you again. He was here to protect you again and you were very grateful for it. Nathan would never have stood up to someone like that for you. He would never have taken charge of an awkward situation like earlier. He didn't like confrontation. He would always cower away from arguments or immediately say sorry. Even if he didn't know what he was saying sorry for.

You knew that with Chris everything was going to be new and different. This was a grown up relationship. Something you would have to get used to.

"Shall we go back to bed?" Chris asks holding his hand out to you.

"I was so freaking comfortable. God damn him for waking us up. I knew he would. Thank you for sorting that out and thank you for helping earlier. It was very chivalrous of you." You take his hand and lean your head against his arm as you walk together to the bedroom. You both slide into bed and you cuddle yourself into his side. You loved being the little spoon. Chris was such a good big spoon. Chris kisses your head.

"I will always be here for you babe as long as you want me I kind of really like you.  So your stuck with me now." He whispers then squeezes you into his body more.

Listening to the words come from his mouth didn't feel right. You had been on three dates, technically today was four but that didn't exactly go to plan. You know how you felt.

Chris made you giddy and excited. He made you want to do more and be more. Something that Nathan had never done. Chris was caring, protective and nurturing. Maybe you weren't in love with him, perhaps it was just an infatuation. But the feelings that you had for him wouldn't be going away anytime soon.

Together you fall into a deep sleep. Dreaming of what the future may bring.

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