Chapter Nineteen

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Early in the morning you head out to a yoga session with Callum again. Unfortunately this week it was the only one you could fit into your schedule.

When you finish the class and are packing away your things Callum strides over to you.

"Nice to see you again. Didn't think you would come back." He says to you with a polite grin.

"Yeah my work schedule's been a little crazy. Glad to be back though." You smile.

"Look I know this might be a little forward but are you free for coffee sometime?" He asks.

Your flattered obviously but you only have eyes for Chris. Perhaps you could pursuade Callum to head to the restaurant for open mic night and introduce him to April, Poppy or Amelia.

"I am flattered really but I'm actually seeing somebody right now." You say looking up from packing your bag with a smile. "But I am heading out with some friends tonight. There is an open mic night at Fargo's could I introduce you to them perhaps?" You ask.

"I understand. Thanks for letting me down gently. I'm actually going to the open mic night. Me and few friends. I will see you there." He waves and moves away to another group of class members.

Getting home you shower and lounge around the apartment in your towel looking through your clothes for something to wear.

Just so I know what are our outfit choices tonight ladies?

Dress 100%

I'm wearing and dress and heels.

Hell I'm going full glam I need to find a man. Fed up of hearing about all your dates Nell.

I think I may have that covered you know. My yoga teacher is out tonight with some friends 😉

I'm going dress as well then.

Well if your all going dresses so will I haha can't wait to see you all.

Tonight would be interesting. It would be good to see the dynamic outside of work. That's when the true colours will finally show. Fingers crossed you could also play match maker.

Although you felt slightly apprehensive about the night out. The guys from work had known each other for a long time. They had many nights out together, they knew each other well. Hopefully you would find your feet in the group tonight.

Deep down you were a little bit gutted you weren't seeing Chris tonight but excited to see him tomorrow.

Sitting in front of the mirror you started your routine. First you dried your hair and added a few beachy waves. Then you went onto your make up. Full glam which would take you a little while.

Stopping for a moment you poured yourself a glass of wine and put on some music. If anything to calm your nerves.

You were still undecided if you were going to get up and sing tonight. Perhaps you would wait and see where the mood took you. Something about sharing your new song with people made you feel vulnerable and you were done feeling like that for now.

Finishing off your make up you stand in front of the two dresses you had picked out.

(This is your dress with some black strappy sandals

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(This is your dress with some black strappy sandals.)

Taking a quick selfie you sent it to the group to get their approval. Also sending it to Chris just to wind him up, of course.

As the time drew nearer to head out with the guys your heart begins to race and your hands become sweaty. These were your friends. People that didn't and wouldn't ever know you and Nathan together

Suddenly you felt vunerable. These people had only met work mode Nell. They had never met party you. They didn't know about your musical hidden talent. Not many people did. Only your parents and Mark.

Mark would make you feel at ease. He would drag you onto that stage if he had to. He always knew what was best for you. Hopefully you could set him up with Brad.

Downing the last of the wine in the glass you leave it on the side and check yourself one more time in the mirror. Leaving the house with your phone, clutch bad and keys in hand you take in another deep breath.

As you strolled across the road to your awaiting gang of friends they all begin hooting and wolf whistling you. Feeling the wine go a little to your head you used the cross walk as your runway and strutted to the guys. Finishing with a little turn.

"Oh my god. Why do you look so amazing? If you don't pull tonight your taking me home!" Brad said with a giggle.

"Thanks lovelies. Right I told you this was my parents restaurant right? They will be embarrassing so I am sorry in advance." You explain.

"We come here all the time we didn't know it was your parents, we love Maggie and Kev." April beams.

What was it with your parents? I mean they were pretty amazing and you loved them but everyone else did as well.

Heading into the restaurant you kissed your parents on the cheek and then introduced them to everyone. Mark headed over to say hi and you thought it the perfect time to introduce him to Brad.

"This is Brad, Brad this is Mark." You introduce them first and then Mark to the rest of the team.

You all sat down at the table and ordered some cocktails. Pete managed to find his way over and introduce himself and brought out a familar face.

"Oh my god. Jake, I can't remember the last time I saw you. How have you been?" You ask giving him a huge hug, he grabs you in a bear hugs and spins you round, making you go a little light headed.

"Nell look at you, you've changed. Yeah. Some stuff happened and I'm back. Dad's sous chef till the old man decides to retire." He explains.

You had the biggest crush on Jake growing up. He was gorgeous. Bright green eyes, dark hair and the sweetest. He had a scruffy beard going for him at the moment and his hair was a little longer. The surfer vibe.

He still looked good. You didn't know his situation now but his girlfriend was awful. She moved and gave him an ultimatum he left with her ten years ago and you haven't seen him since.

"Well make sure they give you some time off so we can catch up." You hug him again. "Oh god these are my friends, sorry it's just so weird to see you. But great."

"It's good to see you too trunky." He grins widely.

"Oh no please don't start that. I will still beat you up." You point at him in warning.

As you all sit down the questions begin.

"So is Mark single?" Brad asks immediately.

"Yes I knew you would fancy him. He is single." You clap your hands with glee.

"Come on then now you need to tell us about Jake." April leans over the table as Jake is standing by the bar chatting to your parents.

You look briefly over to him and catch his eye. He winks at you and you smile back.

"What about him?" You ask innocently.

"Well is he single? Have you been there? What's he like?" April asks again. She clearly liked him.

"We grew up together he is six months older than me and never let's me forget it. I always had the biggest crush on him growing up but it would've been too weird. Then I left for University and he moved away with his evil girlfriend. She hated our friendship. But I guess they broke up. He is amazing you would get on well with him." You grin at April.

"Hey it looks like you've got your eye on him." April holds her hands up in surrender.

"No, no way. I keep telling you I'm seeing someone. We have another date tomorrow. You go for it." You reply. She sits back in her seat and smiles.

You all order food and sit around chatting. The night is amazing and you feel like your really letting your hair down.

Once dinner is over and your all merrily tipsy Mark heads up to the stage and announces open mic night. You see another familiar face.

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