Chapter Ten

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Laying breathless next to Chris you look over to him and let out a small giggle.

"Well I didnt expect that." Chris claims, kissing you again quickly.

"What did you expect? A little vanilla snowflake?" You ask curiously.

"I don't quite know but you are more than I ever expected in the best possible way." He rolls over and lays his head on your bare chest. "Sorry to say but I'm glad you fell."

You both laugh at the comment and you think to yourself that your also glad of the encounter. You'd never had sex that good. You wanted more. A lot more. You wondered to yourself how kinky you could get with Chris and how far he would be willing to go.

If this was going to continue it may be worth having a conversation.

What were you saying 'if this was going to continue'. Hoping that it would you smiled to Chris who grinned wide eyed at you. Then nustled down into you and closed his eyes.

This was new to you. Never before had you wanted someone so much after a couple of dates. Running your finger tips up and down Chris' back he sighed deeply and then fell asleep. Breathing in rhythm with your own. Maybe you should creep out? Perhaps he wouldn't want you here in the morning?

Well for now you would have to stay put, Chris' heavy arm was strewn over your body and he was now snoring quietly.

Falling asleep with Chris cuddled into you felt amazing. It was the first time you had been held and comforted in months. Falling asleep that night was too easy.

Waking up cold you look around for the time. Peaking out the window the moon is high and the stars are out. Finding the bathroom to take a moment, you look around for something to wear. Hanging in the bathroom you find a tee of Chris' hoping he wont mind, you put it on his smell still hung faintly on the material that felt soft against your skin.

Deciding that it was probably too late to leave you move back to the bed, you climb back in and snuggle back into Chris. Who wakes slightly to pull you into his chest, kisses you on the head and then falls back to sleep.

He definitely didn't want you to leave. Unless he was so tired that he didn't know what he was doing. Either way you would be here till morning.

Bright and early the next morning you are greeted to the day by Dodger. He is laying in the empty space next to you licking your hand sofly.

"Morning cutie. Where's your dad?" But you already knew. You could smell food.

Making your way to the kitchen you took in the surroundings. There was a wall full of family pictures. Everything else was minimal. Just the way you liked it. For a guys house it was also surprisingly clean and neat, not a thing looked out of place.

Walking further into the various large rooms you come across the most beautiful instrument you have ever seen. A piano. It stands pride of place waiting to be tinkled.

Running your finger along the top you move towards the keys. Wondering if you should risk playing a little something. Deciding against it, you continue to snoop around that's when you notice the guitar also.

"Do you play?" Chris asks from behind you, startling you slightly.

"I may do, didn't know you were so musical. I guess there is quite a lot we don't know about each other." You reply looking over to him.

"There is plenty of time. I can't wait to find out more about you."

He stalked towards you and pulled you into a kiss. This wasn't what you were expecting from your second date but it felt so natural to be around him. They were no airs or graces, you were being yourself and if he didn't like it, well his loss.

There was a vunerability about Chris. You could tell he just wanted to be treated normally. You would do just that.

"Is it bad that I find you extremely sexy wearing my clothes?" He pulls at the tee your wearing.

"I hope you dont mind. I got a bit cold and felt somewhat exposed." You cover yourself dramatically, which makes him laugh.

"Not at all. I hope you don't have to shoot off, I've made breakfast." He heads towards the kitchen.

Following behind him anxiety begins to build. You hadn't had the morning after the night before. You had a casual couple of hook ups before university but you were always gone before the sun came up. Always afraid of commitment before you met Nathan. Then Nathan was a big part of your life, eight years of your life.

On the breakfast bar Chris had laid out juice, coffee and two plates of pancakes stacked high with bacon and syrup. You had to admit this was your favourite breakfast. He had really put in the effort. Which told you this wasn't a casual hook up.

"Wow you go all out. Do you do this for all your dates the morning after?"

"What dates? I haven't had a date, like this, for years."

Taken back by the comment you sit at the table and sip on the juice. Glancing at him over the rim of the cup.

This was not like you either. The coffee date started the butterflies for you. He was so kind and caring when you fell but the date in the park started 'the feels'. He seemed so relaxed, at ease and talkative which in turn made you feel calm and collected.

Sitting together eating the stack of pancakes you chat about your weekend plans.

"Can I see you again next week?" Chris asks suddenly.

After last night you expected him to want to see you again but you didnt think he would be this keen.

"Your eager. I haven't even left yet. I don't see why not. I have plans saturday night and work all week but I'm sure I can fit you into my schedule." You reply with a smirk.

"Well thanks, don't try too hard to schedule me in." He replies with a grin.

The banter between you flowed. There was never an awkward silence. Feeling like this made you panic. You didn't want Chris to be a rebound. But he had fallen into your life. Well, you had fallen into his. You also didn't want to get too attached. He would most likely be leaving soon for some new movie and you would be left in Boston pining after him. Making a mental not to yourself.

'Don't get too involved. Don't show him you like him too much then you won't get hurt again.'

Writer's note.
Thank you for reading. There is still alot more to the story. If there is anything you want to read or have suggestions let me know. I know where its heading but always nice to have feedback.

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