Chapter Twenty Four

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Walking over to the group you prepare for the onslaught of questions that are are going to come from the girls and worse from Brad. His face was almost fit to burst. 

This was going to be a long afternoon. They would want to know everything.

"Hey guys you ready to grab some lunch and do some shopping?" You said as you approached them.

Walking past them, making your way into the shopping mall, they all followed behind you like lost puppies. Words on their lips but unsure what question to bombard you with first.

Sitting in the mall's food court with a salad in front of you, you were waiting for the questions to come. Everyone still sitting watching you with wide eyes. However your friends were all sat around eating their food, looking from you then each other and back to you.

Finally you broke the silence.

"Come on then who's asking what first?" You look to each of you friends then your gaze lands on Brad.

"When, how, what and woah?" Brad said.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at you. Sighing deeply you tried to think of what to say before you let anything bad slip.

"I met him in the park. He was walking Dodger and Maple yanked me over to get to him. I managed to cut my leg open and he helped me." You pause for a moment. "Then he invited me out on a date, then another one and it well went from there."

What else could you say? You didn't want to spill too much of what had happened between the two of you.

"That's it?" Brad asked. He almost looked disappointed that your meet cute wasn't more exciting. 

"What else do you want me to say. That's exactly what happened. We went for a date the weekend before I started. Just a coffee and walked the dogs in the park. The conversation flowed well. I can't explain it." You answer.

"I take it the flowers have been from him?" Amelia asks. You nod to her question.

"So what's going on with you both?" Chloe asked.

"We're going to see how things go. It's new and I had a lot happen in New York. We have agreed to not see other people and take it one step at a time." There wasn't much more you could say.

"Wow ok. Nice. Have you..... you know?" Brad asks with a wink.

"Brad, come on I'm not divulging that information. Sorry to disappoint you." You shake your head.

They all make noises and whisper between themselves.

"That means you have." Brad replies. You shake your head again and grin slyly, Brad knew you too well already.

You continue eating your food and ask the girls about the situations with them and the boys they met.

Chloe had a date with Patrick today. It looked promising but it may be too soon to tell. Brad and Mark seemed to hit it off but Mark had always kept his cards close to his chest. Perhaps you would be able to get something out of him later at dinner.

April had taken a shine to Callum, but one of his friends had also caught her eye. That may end up in some crazy and awkward love triangle.

Jake took a shine to Amelia. Was it too soon for him to moving on? You couldn't talk you had jumped from an eight year relationship with Nathan into a relationship with Chris. No stop you weren't in a relationship with him. You were seeing how it goes.

After the guys had explained what was going on with them you all made your way around the shops. You needed a few new bits for work and wanted to pick up something nice to wear for family dinner.

You were perusing the racks with Brad and you could tell that he wanted to say something.

"Brad if you want to say something then just say it." You stare at him.

"Look I don't want to be a party pooper but are you sure you know what your doing? I get it he is gorgeous and you say you have a lot in common but he is Chris freaking Evans and no offence hunni your not exactly like his previous types of woman." He says giving you a look of compassion.

Brad was the only person you had told everything. About why you left New York quickly. About what you found when you caught Nathan cheating. About the feelings that you had about it. Everything. I guess you could say that you had become the best of friends.

Thinking about what Brad had asked, you thought for a moment. No you weren't like anyone he has previously dated you didn't go to famous party's and movie premieres. You didn't have the paparazzi follow you around and splashing you over every newspaper. But maybe that was what he had been missing. The down to earth book worm from Boston who was emotionally vunerable and wanted to see the good in everybody.

"Honestly Brad I am waiting to wake up from a crazy coma dream. It seems dramatic but honestly it feels like I'm in some kind of movie. But I like him. We get on well. I never imagined meeting someone so soon after what happened with Nathan, especially not him." You explain while picking items from the racks.

"I just want you to make sure you know exactly what your getting yourself into. Just looking out, you know." Brad gives you sympathetic eyes. "Are you definitely over the Nathan situation?"

"Oh god I haven't updated you. He came here. Wanted to apologise for what happened. At first I didn't want to hear it. Just a bunch of excuses, also dropped the bombshell that she is pregnant. I was quite nasty and left him to go on a date with Chris. Honestly I was so angry but then he was at the restaurant and I just wanted him to go so I heard him out." You pause thinking back to your conversation. "We grew apart but we were still staying together so neither of us got hurt. Everything happens for a reason Brad. Honestly if anything happens I will be fine."

After everything that you had gone through with Nathan you could face whatever else was thrown at you next. Perhaps this would go perfectly. Perhaps you would fall in love and live happily ever after, get married and have lots of babies.

You really hoped that dinner later would go well. The emotions going through your head right now were dizzying. Hopefully you would make a good impression and nothing would go wrong. But now the concerns from Brad had made your insecurities about the situation heighten. 

"I think I'm done. My card can't take too much more." You said to Brad looking at the amount of clothes you had in your basket.

"Let's go and then we can find the rest of the girls and then you need to call lover boy to get you for family dinner." Brad links arms and drags you towards the check out.

I am well and truly shopped out. Can you come and get me please xx

Chris E-
Of course I will meet you outside. Xx

You said good bye to your friends and said you would see them tomorrow with more details of your family dinner. You also wanted details of Chloe and Patrick's date.

"Guys I'm heading out need to go and get ready for dinner. I will see you all tomorrow." You give them all a hug and head towards the exit of the mall.

As you walk out into the warm afternoon air you notice Chris' truck, he is leaning against it chatting on the phone. As soon as he notices you he strides over to help you with all your bags.

"Hey babe, how was shopping and the interrogation?" Chris asks kissing you on the cheek.

"I mean it was fine." You reply climbing into the truck.

But was it fine? Or did what Brad say to you really get to you more than it should've? Was Brad right? Were you swimming just a little out of your depth?

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