Chapter Fifty

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Once everyone had arrived you all stood in the kitchen and sat at the long dining table in groups engaging in small talk.

Once your families had met each other it was almost impossible to separate them. Your Ma and Lisa had become the best of friends and met frequently for walks in the park and cups of coffee. Scott and your Pa seemed to get on so well also which was nice.

Shanna and Carly had already started buying things for their soon to be niece or nephew and would often drop round with bags of presents for the baby.

"Okay guys we called you round here not just for a take out but we also need your help. Nell is worrying, as per usual." Chris grinned widely at you and you rolled your eyes.

"With good reason." You reply.

"Nell is concerned that with everything that is about to happen we are not going to have everything ready for when the baby arrives." Chris explains.

Everyone looks around at each other in confusion.

"Sorry but what is about to happen?" Maggie asks.

Taking a deep breath you look around at the confused faces staring back at you.

"I have been invited to record an album with an amazing producer. Work have given me the time off and I'm going to do it." You explain quickly with a small shy smile.

Everyone began chattering and were all so excited. They all started asking questions at once which both you and Chris tried your best to answer. Glancing briefly at the only quiet person in the room you walk over to him. He was standing by the kitchen counter swigging on a beer and had an 'I told you so' look on his face.

"Go on then. Say it." You say quietly fiddling with a beer bottle cap that has been left on the counter.

"I'm not going to but you know." Scott replies taking another swig of beer he grins widely at you then pulls you into a huge bear hug. "Nell I'm so freaking proud of you."

"I guess I should thank you really. If you hadn't have sent that video to Jimmy none of this would have happened and I would have still been hiding behind the piano at open mic nights." You stand with your hands on his shoulders. "Thank you big brother." You giggle.

"Oh god that's not funny." Scott says playfully nudging you.

The pop of a champagne cork distracts you from your conversation with Scott and you turn to see your Ma and Lisa filling glasses and serving them out to everyone. Yours is filled with the smallest amount.

"Cheers to Nell and finally showing how truly talented she is." Chris raises his glass. Everyone cheers 'to Nell' you raise your own glass and take the smallest sip of the champagne and then leave the glass on the counter.

"Nell, Chris do you know how you want to decorate the nursery? Also have you thought about starting a gift registry? When we organise your baby shower I'm sure people would love gift ideas." Carly said.

You look at Chris who shrugs his shoulders. This isn't something you had even begun to think about. None of your friends had been pregnant, it wasn't something that you had even begun to think about.

"Well I'm not entirely sure about how we want to decorate. Neutral I guess as we've decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We don't know what we need either." You look with pleading eyes at Shanna and Carly.

Carly had been through this she knew what would be needed. She had gone through a few baby showers now. She would be your greatest ally throughout this process.

"I will start coming up with some ideas. Maybe we can meet for lunch in the week and discuss ideas. Just start looking at what you like and what you think you will need." Carly smiled sweetly. "We can get this all sorted in no time."

Sighing in relief that everyone was rallying round you realise that your Ma, Lisa and Chris had disappeared. Going on a hunt you found them in one of the spare rooms chatting.

"This is where you have got off to." You said looking at them all in a huddle chatting away.

"I was showing the Ma's the babies room. They want to decorate this room. They will let Carly and Shanna organise the shower and help but they want to decorate in here." Chris explained moving over to you and placing his arms around your waist. He places a small loving kiss on the end of your nose and stands behind you cradling your perfect little bump.

Watching on at Maggie and Lisa nattering away with each other already visualising where all the furniture would go and what colour palette should be used amused you to no end. They got on so well and you looked forward to what they would come up with for the babies room.

When everyone left for the evening after making plans to meet throughout the week to discuss plans for the decorating or the baby shower that would take place in just a few more weeks you sat down on the couch and laid your head back against the soft cushion. 

You never realised just how tiring it was creating a little life. 

"Hey let's get to bed before you fall asleep on the sofa." Chris said pulling you from the soft and squishy couch with a groan. Together you padded down the hall to your room. Quickly getting yourselves ready and snuggling down in bed you fell fast asleep dreaming of what your little prince or princess would look like. 

The ring of your alarm woke you from a deliciously sweet dream you were having which made you grumble slightly, but then you realised the day and what would be in store for you. 

Shaking the sleeping hulk of a man next to you excitedly, you leaned over and kissed his bristled cheek. 

"Chris wake up, today is the day, come on be excited with me." You pout in his face as he groans and shakes of your advances. Today he certainly wasn't a morning person. 

A/N, Thank you to everyone who has stayed with me for 50 chapters. There are 7 chapters left and I am so happy with how it has gone so far. I am working on another fan fiction with another love of mine. But it isn't quite finished. I have another story that is just a little love of mine which I may release next. I would love your thoughts and I may tease some of the story in the last chapter of this story if that is what you would like. But again a MASSIVE THANK YOU. 

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